Chapter 1 Introduction 7
VendingPlans. Vending Plans define the categories that a Vending Manager can
access. VendingPlans can contain a nested hierarchy of other Vending Plans. Each
VendingManager Account is associated with one or more Vending Plans.
Developer Plans. Developer Plans define the set of APIs that developers can use
in applications that they submit. Profiles define the classes in a specificlibrary
that developers can use. A Developer Plan contains one or more Profiles.
See “Managing Plans” on page 107 for more information.
Fulfillment Manager
The Fulfillment Manager controls and delivers content to subscribers through a
high-performance and cost-effective download architecture. The following figure
provides a high-level overview of the Fulfillment Manager processes.
No administration tasks are associated with the Fulfillment Manager.
The VendingManager handles selling and pricing content. Vending Managers are
generally configured to serve separate enterprises. A single Catalog Manager can
serve multiple VendingManagers.
The VendingManager manages content published by the Catalog Manager. Content
stocked on the VendingManager is available for subscribers to download.The
VendingManager also controls subscriber access and purchase pricing, and provides
daily statistical reports on the Content Delivery Server.