244 Administration Guide • 2005Q4
Initial purchase price for Item 1 and Item 2 are shown as they exist in the Catalog
Manager and the VendingManager. The currency type is the same for both the
Catalog Manager and VendingManager ($). The General Pricing Rule is $1.00 is
equivalent to $1.00 and no markup is applied.
PO - Pricing option
DIS - Content is disassociated from pricing option
RE - Content is reassociated with pricing option
Scenario 1: The Catalog Manager administrator edits pricing option 1A from $1.00
per Download to $1.50 per Download.
Scenario 2: The Catalog Manager administrator edits the properties of Item 1 by
changing its purchaseprice to$1.50. Item 1 is now disassociated from pricing option
1A in the Catalog Manager.No changes are made to the pricing option itself.
TABLEB-2 Initial Pricing Set for Items 1 and 2
CatalogManager VendingManager
Item1 $1.00 per Download PO1A $1.00per Download PO 1A
Item2 $1.00 per Download PO1A $1.00per Download PO 1A
TABLEB-3 Resulting Pricing for Items 1 and 2 in Scenario 1
CatalogManager VendingManager
Item1 $1.50 per Download PO1A $1.50per Download PO 1A
Item2 $1.50 per Download PO1A $1.50per Download PO 1A
TABLEB-4 Resulting Pricing for Items 1 and 2 in Scenario 2
CatalogManager VendingManager
Item1 $1.50 per Download Custom
$1.50per Download Custom
Item2 $1.00 per Download PO1A $1.00per Download PO 1A