76 Administrator Guide 2005Q4
The Content Delivery Server provides descriptor templates for Content Object Descriptor (COD) and General Content Descriptor (GCD). You can define other templates as needed.
TABLE 2-11 shows the Content Delivery Server content attributes that you can use to
customize the template for your needs. The following code shows a sample content descriptor template.
TABLE 2-11 Content Attributes for Content Descriptor Templates
Name The name of the content.
Version The version of the content.
Size The size of the content.
NOTE: This attribute is required.
Vendor The name of the content developer who submitted the content.
ShortDescription A brief description of the content.
Description A detailed description of the content.
DownloadURL The URL from which the content can be downloaded.
NOTE: This attribute is required.
BillingURL The URL contacted to verify licenses.
ConfirmURL The URL to which download confirmation or error messages are
ID The ID assigned to the content.
BinaryExtension The extension of the file that contains the content.
BinaryMimeType The MIME type associated with the content.
NOTE: This attribute is required.
ContentType The type of content submitted.
ModifiedDate The date the content was last changed.
1All property names must be preceded by /ContentItem/. For example, /ContentItem/Name.
CODE EXAMPLE 2-1 Sample Content Descriptor Template
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
<xsl:output method="text" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
Content-Type: <xsl:value-of select=