230 Administrator Guide • 2005Q4
Teststatus is either Passed, Failed, or Not Tested. Enter any comments regarding the
test in the Comments field.
6. Click Save.
See “Using the MMS Test Log” on page 231 formore information.
Testing an Existing MMS Message
Toperform a test send of an existing MMS message, follow these steps:
1. Open the MMS Messages page.
See“Displaying MMS Messages” on page225 for instructions on accessing this page.
2. Click the title or text of a message.
The MMS Message wizard is displayed.
3. Click Send Test MMS Message in the Edit MMS menu bar.
4. Continue with Step 2 through 6 of “Testing a New MMS Message” on page 229.
Deleting an MMS Message
1. Open the MMS Messages page.
See “Displaying MMS Messages” on page 225 for instructions on accessing the page.
2. Select the messages you want to delete in one of the following ways: