Chapter 3 Vending Manager 223
Editing Your Administrator Account
This function is available only to Customer Care Agents. VendingManager
administrators edit their account the same way that they edit the account of another
VendingManager administrator. See “Editing a Vending Manager Administrator
Account” on page 204.
Toedit your own Customer Care Agent account, follow these steps:
1. From the Vending Manager administration console, click Accounts on the main
menu bar.
The Accounts Management page is displayed.
2. Click the My Account tab.
3. Click Edit.
The Edit Account Details page displays the same fields as those described in
“Adding a Vending Manager Administrator Account” on page 202 .
4. Modify the information as required.
5. Click OK.
6. Click OK again to close the Confirmation page.
The Administrator Account is updated in the database.
Viewing Reports
The VendingManager provides daily statistical reports so you can view and track
application download information and usage statistics downloads.
Toview reports, follow these steps:
1. From the Vending Manager administration console, click Reports on the main
menu bar.
The Sun Java System Content Delivery Server Reporting page displays the Java
Applications Report.