When the unit starts up it defaults to the multitrack recorder mode regardless of the mode used last before shutting down. (See “Recorder modes” on page 44.)


When switching the unit on and off, we suggest that you turn down the volume of any speakers or amplifiers connected to the unit. Also, do not wear headphones connected to the unit when switching power on or off. This will avoid damage to speakers and possible harm to your hearing.

Shutting down

Make the following preparations before shutting down the unit.

•• Stop the recorder. (The unit cannot be shut down during recording, playback, fast forward, etc.)

•• Return to the Home Screen.

•• If the unit is connected to computer, disconnect the USB cable after conducting the necessary procedures on the computer to unmount the unit.

After making these preparations, press and hold the POWER key until the following screen appears (or the key indicator light begins to blink).


The power turns off after the unit completes its shutdown process, including saving various information from your session.


You can shut down the unit regardless of the recorder mode, but when the unit starts up it always starts up in the MULTI TRACKrecorder mode. (See “Recorder modes” on page 44.)


Do not remove the batteries or disconnect the power cable accidently while the unit is operating. If you do so, the unit cannot shut down properly and all unsaved data will be lost. Lost data cannot be restored. We recommend that you also save the data manually often.

When the power is turned off, the operation history of the currently loaded song will be erased (cleared). You will not be able to undo or redo operations on the song when you turn the power back on.

TASCAM DP-004 37