Punching in and out

Punching in/out is a technique to replace a part of an already recorded track.

Start playback and when you reach the part that you want to replace, switch to record (punch in), then switch back to playback (or stop) when you finish the part that you want to replace (punch out).

1Decide what part of the track you plan to replace and choose a point to begin where the new recording can sit well with the existing recording.

2Press the REC key of the track that you plan to replace part of to start record standby (REC indicator blinks).

3Start playback before the part of the track that you want to replace.

4Press the record () key to start recording (punch in) when you reach the part. Play or sing what you want to record.

5Press the playback (Á) key to switch to playback (punch out) when you finish the replacement recording.

7–Recorder Functions


You can also press the stop (ª) key to punch out at the end of the replacement recording.

Bouncing tracks

Use this unit’s bounce function to mix already recorded tracks (1–4) down to one or two tracks.

Multitrack tape recorders can only bounce to an open track (in other words, they can not record to a track that is also a source of the mix). For example, tracks 1–3 could be bounced to track 4, but tracks 1–4 could not be bounced to track 1. This unit, however, does not have this limitation. You can bounce tracks 1–4 as a stereo mix to tracks 1 and 2 (stereo bounce), or bounce tracks 1–4 as a mono mix to track 1 (mono bounce).


Inside this unit, a mixdown is made to create a mix master that is recorded to the designated tracks.

TASCAM DP-004 69