Refer to the parts section for detailed information about hoses and fittings for this application.
Secure hoses together with zip ties wherever loose. Wrap the hoses between the swivel and main boom with the hose cover provided. Wrap the hoses between the main boom and secondary boom with the hose cover provided. Where hoses may contact the frame or other edges, wrap with split hose and secure with hose clamps or zip ties.
On non cab units, the pressure and return hoses from the control valve will also need to be routed inside the protective clear hose wrap. Cover the valve, valve fittings with the yellow hose cover and secure with black string provided.
Install a solenoid valve on the mounting bracket with the supplied hardware as shown in the Parts Section in this manual. While installing the fittings to the brake valve, the electical coil on the spool may have to be removed to make room. When reinstalling the coil, it is important to use no more than 5 ft. lbs. (or 60in. lbs.) torque. WARNING: OVER TORQUE TO THE COIL WILL RESULT IN HYDRAULIC FAILURE OF SPOOL.
Mount the temperature gauge where it is clearly visible to the operator. Attach the green
With an overhead hoist and / or
correctly matching mounting holes. Install capscrews and all other hardware as shown in main frame parts section to secure the sides of the main frame to the tractor casting, DO NOT tighten at this time. Remove the capscrews one at a time and apply a thread locking agent. Reinsert the capscrews and tighten / torque to values noted in the torque chart located in the maintenance section of this manual.
Position the right axle brace under the tractor right hand side. Raise the brace up to the matching mounting holes in the main fame and rear axle housing. Note the right side brace is installed on outside edge of the main frame and the left side brace is installed on the inside edge of the main frame. Pictures below show right side brace installation.
Install the clamp plate with capscrews, washers and nuts as shown in the main frame parts section. Apply
Assembly Section