Index 223
disk drive
corrupted/damaged data files 174 missing files/trouble accessing a
drive 173 running slow 174
does not look normal/flickers 172 external monitor not working 173
display devices external 79
display output settings 81 display panel
opening 48 display problems
screen is blank 171 display, external
adjusting 82 disposal information 28 disposing of used batteries 129
caring for discs 113
removing with computer off 112 removing with computer on 112
DVD player
general problems 180 DVDs
using 107
eject button
optical disc drive 109 eject, optical disc drive 109 emulate a
TouchPad™ 79, 202 ENERGY STAR® 36 error messages
problem with display settings/ current settings not working with hardware 172
warning resume failure 164
connecting to the eSATA/USB combo port 186
eSATA/USB combo port Using 141
using 141 exploring
desktop 131 external
not working 173 external devices
keyboard 82 mouse 82
external display device HDMI™ Out port 79 RGB (monitor) port 79
external display, adjusting 82
FAT (File Allocation Table) 173 file extensions
using 105
backing up 96, 106 file names 104 printing 105 restore 106 saving 103, 104
using a file extension 105 function keys 99
headphones using 138
Help and Support
Windows® operating system 167 Hibernation mode 85
configuring 89 configuring options 89 hot key 198 powering down 89 Shut down 89