3 Tests and Diagnostics 3.32 SETUP
PORTEGE M300 Maintenance Manual (960-504) 3-109
NOTE: Formats for Enhanced IDE and Standard IDE are different, so if you change the
setting, you will have to reformat the hard disk for the appropriate setting.
(a) USB KB/Mouse Legacy Emulation
This option sets the Legacy support condition of the USB keyboard and the USB
Enabled Enables LEGACY support. (Default)
USB keyboard/USB mouse are available without the driver.
Disabled Disables LEGACY support
(b) USB-FDD Legacy Emulation
This option sets the Legacy support condition of the USB floppy disk drive.
When a computer is FDD built-in model, this option is not displayed.
Enabled Enables LEGACY support. (Default)
USB floppy disk is available without the driver.
Disabled Disables LEGACY support
This option sets the Enable / Disable of the built-in LAN functions.
Enabled Enables built-in LAN functions. (Default)
Disabled Disables built-in LAN functions.