Toshiba Toshiba manual Appendix.B Output of wbgetallinfo.cgi, 128

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TOSHIBA Network Camera - IK-WB15A - SDK (Ver 1.00.SC)

Appendix.B Output of wbgetallinfo.cgi




ConnectMode (1)

Server2Path ()


Ver (RB0.50.000)






AlarmInRecMode (1)

Name ()

Interval (60)



ExtControlInRecMode (1)

LoginID ()

FileName ()


Resolution (3)

MotionRecMode (1)

Password ()

Server1Path ()


CompressionRatio (3)

NumberOfPrePicture (3)

FTPcPortNumber (21)

Server2Path ()


AEControl (0)

NumberOfPostPicture (10)

FTPMode (1)



Mounting (1)

Interval (10)

ConnectMode (1)

Mode (1)


AutoBW (1)



Interval (60)


WhiteBalance (1)

Mode (1)

Size (2)

OverWriting (1)


WBManualGainR (0)

Monday (1)

FileNameMode (1)



WBManualGainB (0)

Tuesday (1)




AWBOffsetYeCy (0)

Wednesday (1)

Detail (1)



AWBOffsetMgG (0)

Thursday (1)


Mode (1)


AWBRange (1)

Friday (1)

Monday (1)

SMTPServer ()


AutoGainControl (2)

Saturday (1)

Tuesday (1)

POP3Server ()


SlowShutterMax (3)

Sunday (1)

Wednesday (1)



BackLightCompensation (7)

Pattern1Start (8)

Thursday (1)

POP3Password ()


Sharpness (2)

Pattern1End (17)

Friday (1)

AdminMailAddr ()


GainRY (0)

Pattern2Start (8)

Saturday (1)



GainBY (0)

Pattern2End (17)

Sunday (1)

Mode (1)


NoiseReduction (1)

Interval (60)

Pattern1Start (8)

Subject ()




Pattern1End (17)

Body ()



Mode (1)

Pattern2Start (8)

URLMode (1)


Rate (1)


Pattern2End (17)

URLInfo ()



Interval (1)

AttachMode (1)




FileName ()




Mode (1)

Server1Path ()

Mode (1)


Mode (1)

AlarmInMode (1)

Server2Path ()

Subject ()


InputPolarity (1)

MotionMode (1)


Body ()




NumberOfPrePicture (10)

URLMode (1)


Mode (1)

Name ()

NumberOfPostPicture (10)

URLInfo ()


Sensitivity (1)

LoginID ()

Interval (1)

AttachMode (1)



Password ()

AiFileName ()



Time (5)

FTPcPortNumber (21)

MdFileName ()

AttachSize (1)



FTPMode (1)

Server1Path ()






To the next page.











Page 133
Image 133
Toshiba Toshiba manual Appendix.B Output of wbgetallinfo.cgi, 128