TOSHIBA Network Camera - IK-WB15A - SDK (Ver 1.00.SC)
From the last page.
Item | Type | Entry name | Entry value | Std.val | Unit |
Recording Cycle | (type=Normal) | Interval | 1/2/3/5/10/30/60/120/180 | 60 | second |
Overwrite | type=RecOverwriting | Mode | 1:OFF 2:ON | 1 | - |
Log output control of cgi common to all types | OpeLog | No/Yes [default: Yes] (omissible) | - | - |
Code | Status |
| Code | Status |
| Code | Status |
20 | OK |
| 33 | InvalidOperand |
| 52 | OKbutExtControlOFF |
30 | InvalidType |
| 34 | NoEntryData |
| 92 | CriticalError |
31 | InvalidEntry |
| 50 | OKbutExtAlarmOFF |
32 | InvalidValue |
| 51 | OKbutMotionOFF |
-50: Although registration succeeded under conditions of both type=alarm and AlarmInRecMode=2, the Alarm In function is set to “OFF”. (Ref. Alarm Settings)
-51: Although registration succeeded under conditions of both type=alarm and MotionRecMode=2, the Motion Detection function is set to “OFF”. (Ref. Alarm Settings)
-52: Although registration succeeded under conditions of both type=alarm and ExtControlInRecMode=2, the Ext. Control In function is set to “OFF”. (Ref. Alarm Settings)
1)If only type=<value> is entered and then <entry>=<value> is not entered, no setting is performed. (type=Default is an exception.)
2)Multiple type=<value> cannot be enumerated simultaneously. This API must be started for each type.
3)For only entered item, setting is performed. For the other items, their existing values are held.
4)OpeLog=No is entered, a log related to API start/end is not output. When it is omitted, it is regarded as OpeLog=Yes.
5)If both AlarmInRecMode=2 and MotionRecMode=2 are simultaneously specified in the alarm setting OFF status at type=Alarm, the ‘Alarm In’ status always has priority at status notification.