| 6 F 3 H 1 0 0 1 | |
| Table 9.9 Scroll Keys | |
| No. | Name | Description |
| i | SCROLL UP | Scrolls to the previous screen (see Figure 9.9) |
| j | SCROLL DOWN | Scrolls to the next screen (see Figure 9.9) |
| k | RESET | Deletes the stored waveform and failure and warning data |
| from the memory card. |
Normal Data
Display screen
Failure Data Display screen
Warning Data Display screen
*See section 7.2.1 (on page 21, Normal Display Screen", for details on the content of the Normal Display screen.)
**i ii , etc. represent the order in which the failures occurred.
Figure 9.9 Changing Screens with Scroll Keys
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