Table 2. Local Mode Programming Function Codes and Default Settings




secure (lock).






4 1

Keyswitch Position 2 BREAK

No output

Used to program the BREAK codes of




the keyswitch . When the key is turned




out of position 2, the switch can send




macros and/or perform an internal




secure (lock) .






4 2

Keyswitch Position 3 MAKE

No output

U s e d t o program the MAKE codes of




the keyswitch . When the key is turned




into position 3, the switch can send




macros and/or perform an internal




secure (lock) .






4 3

Keyswitch Position 3 BREAK

No output

Used to program the BREAK codes of




the keyswitch. When the key is turned




out of position 3, the switch can send




macros and/or perform an internal




secure (lock) .






4 4

Keyswitch Polling

U s e r

Allows the user to poll for keyswitch




1,2, or 3 MAKE/BREAK codes.





options are available: 0 = unsolicited




m o d e i n w h i c h c o d e s a r e s e n t




whenever the keyswitch is rotated, or 1




= solicited mode in which codes





s e n t o n l y w h e n a B 7 c o m m a n d i s




executed .






4 5

Drawer 1 Open


Used to set up a unique sequence of




keys so host computer can determine if




d r a w e r 1 i s o p e n o r c l o s e d .






4 6

D r a w e r 1 C l o s e d

D 1 -

Used to set up a unique sequence of




keys so host computer can determine if




d r a w e r 1 i s o p e n o r c l o s e d .






4 7

Drawer 2 Open


Used to set up a unique sequence of




keys so host computer can determine if




drawer 2 is open or closed .






4 8

D r a w e r 2 C l o s e d

D 2 -

Used to set up a unique sequence of




keys so host computer can determine if




drawer 2 is open or closed .








Poll/Unsolicited Cash Drawer Status


Allows the user to poll for cash drawer status,




instead of sending it each time it changes




state, open or closed. Two options are




available: Send on change or transition, or




send only with poll command CDCONT.







Indicator Lights Mode


Used to select if the CAPS (2) and NUM (3)



mode of

LOCK indicators function in the same manner




as a PC. Two options are available: PC mode




or Command mode (Lights Command). Note




that in the PC mode control of the indicators




will be transferred to other higher priority




commands if applied.








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Ultimate Technology 500 POS manual Local Mode Programming Function Codes and Default Settings