your PC (default 115000 bps) and the back port to the speed used to communicate with an attached GPS (default 4800 bps). Note that the back port is male. You may need a gender changer and a null modem adapter to use a typical DB9 serial cable from the rear port.
For Serial Port Speed (Baud Rate), you may select from 4800 bps
9600 bps
19200 bps
38400 bps
57600 bps
115200 bps
Displaying Scanner Information
Viewing Memory Used

See Scanner Info 

% Memory Used 

The scanner displays the percent of memory that is used and the number and the percent of systems, sites and channels that are created.
Press any key to return to the previous menu, then press any key to exit the menu.
Viewing the Firmware Version and Electronic Serial Number
[MENU] Settings
See Scanner Info
Firmware Version
Press any key to return to the previous menu, then press any key.
Initializing the Scanner’s Memory
Warning: This clears data you have entered. You cannot restore user programmed data that has been deleted. You can, at a last step, restore only the original factory data.
1. To initialize the scanner’s memory, turn off the scanner.