Setting the Time Format

Set GPS Format

Set Time Format 

This setting controls the format used for displaying the time on the GPS data screens.
12H — the scanner displays time in
24H — the scanner displays time in
Setting the Time Zone

Set GPS Format

Set Time Zone 

This setting controls the format used for adjusting Universal time to local time. Set your local time’s offset from UTC (formally known as GMT).
Setting the Distance Units

Set GPS Format

Set Unit 

This setting controls the distance units shown in the GPS data screens and used for entering distance for POI’s
mile — The scanner uses miles. km — The scanner uses kilometers.
Setting the Serial Port Speed
[MENU] Settings
Set Serial Port
Set Baud Rate
Set Front Port or Set Rear Port
Use this setting to control the data rate used for the front and back panel serial ports. You typically set the front port to match the speed used to communicate with