Setting Lockout


[MENU] ￿ Program System ￿

￿Select a system ￿

￿Edit Group ￿

￿Edit Channel ￿

￿Select a channel ￿

￿Set Lockout ￿

￿Select a channel group ￿

Unlocked — the channel is scanned when its quick key is enabled.

Temporary L/O — the channel is locked for this session.

Lockout — the channel is not scanned.

Copying a Channel


[MENU] ￿ Program System ￿

￿ Select a system ￿


￿ Edit Group ￿


￿ Select a channel group


￿ Edit Channel ￿ ￿ Select a channel ￿ ￿ Copy Channel ￿

You see Copy Channel Copied to Buffer.

Press [MENU] to return to one level before You see Paste Channel as the last list item. At this point you can paste that channel information to another group or compatible system.

Deleting a Channel


[MENU] ￿ Program System ￿

￿Select a system ￿

￿Edit Group ￿

￿Select a channel group ￿

￿Edit Channel ￿

￿Select a channel ￿

￿Delete Channel ￿

You see Confirm Delete? Yes= ”E” / No= ”.”

Select one to delete the channel or to cancel.


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Image 91
Uniden UBCD996T manual Setting Lockout, Copying a Channel, Deleting a Channel, Edit Group Edit Channel