Appendix B
Example Program Templates
The following code templates provide the basic recommended structure for PicoBlaze™ processor application programs. Both KCPSM3 and pBlazIDE templates are provided.
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| use the Select Text tool to select code snippets, |
| then copy and paste the text into your text editor. |
KCPSM3 Syntax
Figure B-1 provides a code template for creating PicoBlaze applications using the KCPSM3 assembler.
NAMEREG sX, <name> ; Rename register sX with <name>
CONSTANT <name>, 00 ; Define constant <name>, assign value
;ROM output file is always called
ADDRESS 000 ; Programs always start at reset vector 0
ENABLE INTERRUPT ; If using interrupts, be sure to enable ; the INTERRUPT input
; <<< your code here >>>
JUMP BEGIN; Embedded applications never end
ISR: ; An Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) is
;required if using interrupts
;Interrupts are automatically disabled
;when an interrupt is recognized
RETURNI ENABLE | ; Return from interrupt | service routine | |
| ; | Use RETURNI DISABLE | to leave interrupts |
| ; | disabled |
ADDRESS 3FF | ; Interrupt vector is located at highest | ||
| ; | instruction address |
JUMP ISR | ; Jump to interrupt service routine, ISR |
Figure B-1: PicoBlaze Application Program Template for KCPSM3 Assembler
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UG129 (v1.1.2) June 24, 2008