Convenient Music Finder feature

3 Press the [6π] (SEARCH 1) button to call up the Search display.4 Enter the search criteria.Search by song title or music genre (MUSIC) or keyword

1Press the [A] (MUSIC)/[B](KEYWORD) button to call up the character entry display.

2Enter the song title or music genre, or the keyword (page 71).Search by Style name1Press the [C] (STYLE) button to call up the Style selection display.2Use the [A]–[J] buttons to select a Style.3Press the [EXIT] button to return to the search display.Adding other Search Criteria

You can specify other search criteria in addition to the song name/keyword/Style name.

BEAT ............................

Select the beat (time signature) you want to use in your


performance by pressing the [D] button. All beat settings


are included in the search if you select ANY.

Select the pages to be included in the search by pressing


the [E] button. (These correspond to the tabs at the top


of the Music Finder display.)

Set the range of the tempo you want to use in your per-


formance by using the [1π†]/[2π†] (TEMPO) but-

GENRE .........................


Select the desired music genre by using the [5π†]/


[6π†] (GENRE) buttons.

Clear the search criteria

To clear the entered Music/Key- word/Style, press the [F]/[G]/[H] (CLEAR) button.

Entering several different keywords

You can search several different keywords simultaneously by inserting a separator (comma) between each.

Styles Accompaniment Auto the Editing and Creating Using,

PSR-OR700 Owner’s Manual 109