Operations for Song Playback

Using, Creating and Editing Songs

Phrase Mark:

Phrase Mark is a pre-programmed marker in certain Song data, which specifies a certain location (set of measures) in the Song.

Top/Pause/Rewind/Fast Forward

Moving to the top position of the Song

Press the SONG [J] (STOP) button, regardless of whether the Song is stopped or playing back.

Pausing the Song

Press the SONG [F/K] (PLAY/PAUSE) button during Song playback. Press the SONG [F/K] (PLAY/PAUSE) button again and the Song will resume from the current position.

Moving back and forth (rewind and fast forward)

1Press the SONG [G] (REW) or SONG [H] (FF) button to move back and forth (rewind and fast forward).

It calls up a pop-up window showing the current measure number in the Main display.

For Songs containing Phrase Marks, you can use the [G/H] (REW/FF) buttons to navigate through the Phrase Marks in the Song. If you don’t want to set the Song position by the phrase marks, press the [E] button and select “BAR” in the window showing the Song position.

For Songs not containing

Phrase Marks

For Songs containing

Phrase Mark

2Press the [EXIT] button to close the pop-up window showing the cur- rent measure number (or Phrase Mark number).

Repeat Playback/Chain Playback

1 Call up the operation display.


2 Set the parameters related to the Repeat Playback by using the [H]/[I] buttons. The available parameters are shown below.




Plays through the selected Song, then stops.




Plays through the selected Song repeatedly.




Continues playback through all the Songs in the folder


containing the current Song repeatedly.




Randomly and repeatedly plays back all Songs in the


folder containing the current Song.




For Songs containing Phrase Marks, you can set Repeat


Playback to “ON” or “OFF.” When this is on, the part corre-


sponding to the specified Phrase Mark number is repeatedly


played back. The steps for specifying the Phrase Mark num-


ber are the same as in the steps 1–2 of the section “Moving


back and forth (rewind and fast forward)” (see above).



138 PSR-OR700 Owner’s Manual