MIDI Settings

Instrument with

Other Devices

Using Your


BASS display

Setting the Bass Note for Style Playback via MIDI Receive

The explanations here apply to the BASS display to be called up in step 4 of the “Basic Operation” on page 177.

These settings let you determine the bass note for Style playback, based on the note messages received via MIDI. The note on/off messages received at the chan- nel(s) set to “ON” are recognized as the bass note of the chord of Style playback. The bass note will be detected regardless of the [ACMP] or split point settings. When several channels are simultaneously set to “ON,” the bass note is detected from merged MIDI data received over the channels.


Select the channel and set the “ON/OFF” for that chan- nel. Use the All OFF item to set all channels to OFF.


Setting the Chord Type for Style Playback via MIDI Receive

The explanations here apply to the CHORD DETECT display to be called up in step 4 of the “Basic Opera- tion” on page 177.

These settings let you determine the chord type for Style playback, based on the note messages received via MIDI. The note on/off messages received at the chan- nel(s) set to “ON” are recognized as the notes for detecting chords in Style playback. The chords to be detected depend on the fingering type. The chord type will be detected regardless of the [ACMP] or split point settings. When several channels are simultaneously set to “ON,” the chord type is detected from merged MIDI data received over the channels.

The operation procedure is basically the same as that of the BASS display.

Displaying the Voice Program Change Number

Determines whether or not the Voice bank and number are shown in the Voice selection display. This is useful when you want to check which bank select MSB/LSB values and program change number you need to specify when selecting the Voice from an external MIDI device.

You can set this in the display called up by the following operations: [FUNCTION] [J] UTILITY TAB [][®] CONFIG 2. Switch the DISPLAY VOICE NUMBER menu ON and OFF.


The numbers displayed here start from “1.” Accordingly the actual MIDI program change numbers are one lower, since that number system starts from “0.”

For the GS Voices, this feature is not available (the program change numbers are not shown).

182 PSR-OR700 Owner’s Manual