Basic Displays (Main Display and File Selection Display)

Basic Operation

Returning to the Main display Here’s a convenient way to return to the Main display from any other display: Simply press the [DIRECT ACCESS] button, then the [EXIT] button.

Basic Displays (Main Display and File Selection Display)

There are two basic display types – Main and Selection. Here are explanations of each display segment and its basic operation.

Main Display

The Main display shows the current basic settings of the instrument such as the currently selected Voice and Style, allowing you to see them at a single glance. The Main display is the one you’ll usually see when you play the keyboard.

































































































































































































































































































































































1Song name and related information

Displays the currently selected Song name, time signature and tempo.

If the Song contains the chord data, the current chord name will be displayed in the “CHORD” segment (see 4 below).

Pressing the [A] button calls up the Song Selection display (page 36).


Displays either the current position and tempo of the Song or the current bar and beat number of Style playback.

3Style name and related information

Displays the currently selected Style name, time signature and tempo. Pressing the [C] button calls up the Style Selection display (page 46).

4Current chord name

If the [ACMP] button is set to On, the chord specified in the chord section of the key- board will be displayed.

5Scale Tune Bank name

Displays the currently selected Scale Tune Memory.


Displays the amount of transposition in semitone units (page 58).


The [UPPER OCTAVE] buttons allow the pitch of the keyboard to be shifted down or up in octave steps. This shows the amount that the octave value is shifted.

8Split Point

Split Points are specific positions (notes) on the keyboard that divide the keyboard into separate sections. There are two kinds of Split Points: “S”, which separates the chord sec- tion from the rest of the keyboard, and “L”, which divides the left-hand and right-hand sections.

9Registration Sequence

Appears when the Registration Sequence is active (page 134).


PSR-OR700 Owner’s Manual