Recording Your Performance to MIDI

Setting all of the 5–16 chan- nels to “REC” simultaneously While holding the SONG [REC] button, press the SONG [EXTRA TR] button.


While holding the SONG [REC] button,

While holding the SONG [REC] but-


press the [1π†]–[8π†] buttons to

ton, press the [2π] button to set the


set the desired channels to “REC.”

channel 2 to “REC.”


Normally, the keyboard parts should be



recorded to channels 1–4, the Multi Pads



should be recorded to 5–8, and the Styles



should be recorded to channels 9–16. To


cancel the channel selection, press the SONG [REC] button again.


When selecting the MIDI part

• Setting a single channel to


All incoming data received via



Using, Creating and Editing Songs

any of the MIDI channels 1-16

is recorded. When using an

external MIDI keyboard or

controller to record, this lets

you record without having to

set the MIDI transmit channel

on the external device.

• Setting several channels to


When using an external MIDI

keyboard or controller to

record, this records data only

over the set MIDI channel

— meaning the external

device must also be set to the

same channel.

Recording each channel with the same tempo

Use the Metronome function (page 34) to record each channel with the same tempo. Keep in mind that the metronome sound is not recorded.

Pausing and restarting your recording

See page 144.


Use the [C]/[D] buttons to select the

Press the [D] button to select


desired part for the channel to be

the “RIGHT2.”





This determines which part — keyboard



or Style (Rhythm 1/2, Bass, etc.) or Multi



Pad — is recorded to each of the channels



selected in step 2. Default channel/part



assignments are shown in the section



“About Song channels” (page 147).



To close the Part selection display, press



the [EXIT] button.



Start recording.



The method for starting is the same as in step 4 of Quick Recording


(page 144).



Press the SONG [J] (STOP) button to stop recording.

When recording is finished, a message appears prompting you to save the recorded performance appears. To close the message, press the [EXIT] but- ton. For instructions on saving Song data, see step 8.

6 Listen to your newly recorded performance. Press the SONG [F/ K] (PLAY/PAUSE) button to playback the performance you just recorded.

146 PSR-OR700 Owner’s Manual