Parameters and Types Effect
DIST (Distortion) Module
This module contains ten different distortion and overdrive effects, including one for control of external distortion devices and a unique "Acoustic" effect that turns the sound of an electric guitar into that of an acoustic guitar. ZNR (Zoom Noise Reduction) is also available in this module.
HINT ZNR can be used also when the DIST module is off.
EXT: External DIST (Distortion)
This effect type serves for control of a device connected in the EXTERNAL DIST SEND/RETURN loop of the 8080. It also allows boosting the output.
Parameters | Comment | Values |
qBST (Booster Type) The boost frequency range can be set to "Low" (bass),
| "Mid" (midrange) or "Tre" (treble). | off, Low |
EXT BST= q SND=w q |
| w | w SND (Send Level) | When set to "off", the boost function is disabled. | Mid, Tre | |
LVL= e | ZNR=r | MIN | 3 | 4 | MIN | MAX |
| Sets the send level for the external device. | off, 1 – 10 | |
| MAX 1 | 2 |
| |||
PAGE 1 | e |
| r | e LVL (Level) | Sets the output level for the next module. | 1 – 16 |
| MIN | MAX |
| MIN | MAX |
| |||
| r ZNR (ZNR) |
| Sets the activation threshold for Zoom Noise Reduction | ||
| |||
| which suppresses noise during |
PAGE 2 |
| The key to effective use of ZNR is setting the value |
| MIN | 3 | 4 | MIN | MAX |
| as high as possible without causing the noise cutoff to | |
| MAX 1 | 2 |
| |||
RTMŒ t | DIR=y t |
| y |
| sound unnatural. ZNR can be used also when the | 0ff, 1 – 10 |
| MIN | MAX |
| DIST module is off. | ||||
| ||||||
| t RTM (RTM Destination) Shows which RTM parameter is being controlled. | SND | |
| y DIR (RTM Direction) | Sets the RTM direction. | NML, INV |
HINT Even if nothing is connected to the RETURN jack, the signal will be sent to the next module. However, since parameters settings such as BST and SND are active, the sound may be altered.
✎ When this effect type is selected, internal distortion effects of the 8080 cannot be used.
NOTIn the DIST module, when the setting is "DIR=NML", pushing the pedal from the up position all the way down causes the ✎NOTparameter to be altered from the minimum value to the preset value (programmed value for the patch). When the setting is "DIR=INV", pushing the pedal from the up position all the way down causes the parameter to be altered from the current
value to the minimum value. The minimum value depends on the distortion type and the parameter setting.
Acou: Acoustic
This effect changes the sound of an electric guitar to a sound resembling that of an acoustic guitar.
| Parameters | Comment | Values |
| q TOP (Top) | Adjusts the | 1 – 10 |
Acou TOP= q | BDY=w | q |
| w | w BDY (Body) | Sets the body size. | 1 – 10 |
LVL= e | ZNR=r | MIN | 3 | 4 | MAX |
| MAX 1 | 2 MIN | e LVL (Level) | Sets the output level. | 1 – 16 | ||
PAGE 1 |
| e |
| r | |||
| MIN | MAX | MIN | MAX | r ZNR (ZNR) | Sets the activation threshold for Zoom Noise Reduction | |
| which suppresses noise during |
| |
| The key to effective use of ZNR is setting the value |
PAGE 2 |
| as high as possible without causing the noise cutoff to | |
Acou |
| MIN | MAX 1 | 2 MIN | MAX |
| sound unnatural. ZNR can be used also when the | 0ff, 1 – 10 |
| 3 | 4 |
| DIST module is off. | ||
RTMŒ t | DIR=y | t |
| y |
| ||
| t RTM (RTM Destination) Shows which RTM parameter is being controlled. | LVL | |||||
| MIN | MAX | MIN | MAX | |||
| y DIR (RTM Direction) | Sets the RTM direction. | NML, INV |