Document Conventions

Document Conventions

Warnings and Notes

These are how warnings and notes are shown in this User’s Guide.

Warnings tell you about things that could harm you or your device.

"Notes tell you other important information (for example, other things you may need to configure or helpful tips) or recommendations.

Syntax Conventions

The ES-2024A and ES-2024PWR may be referred to as the “ES-2024”, “Switch”, the “device”, the “system” or the “product” in this User’s Guide. Differentiation is made where needed.

Product labels, screen names, field labels and field choices are all in bold font.

A key stroke is denoted by square brackets and uppercase text, for example, [ENTER] means the “enter” or “return” key on your keyboard.

“Enter” means for you to type one or more characters and then press the [ENTER] key. “Select” or “choose” means for you to use one of the predefined choices.

Command keywords are in courier new font.

A right angle bracket ( > ) within a screen name denotes a mouse click. For example, Maintenance > Log > Log Setting means you first click Maintenance in the navigation panel, then the Log sub menu and finally the Log Setting tab to get to that screen.

An arrow (-->) indicates that this line is a continuation of the previous line.

Units of measurement may denote the “metric” value or the “scientific” value. For example, “k” for kilo may denote “1000” or “1024”, “M” for mega may denote “1000000” or “1048576” and so on.

“e.g.,” is a shorthand for “for instance”, and “i.e.,” means “that is” or “in other words”.



ES-2024 Series User’s Guide