11 Upgrading Your Modem
Upgrading by Flash EPROM
1.Obtain the new firmware by downloading from the ZyXEL BBS, WWW or FTP site. See Contacting ZyXEL on page vi for instructions.
2.Turn on your computer.
3.Turn on your modem.
4.Start any communications program that supports the XModem protocol.
5.Type ATUPX<enter>.
6.Press Enter and wait for the following prompt characters:
You have chosen XMODEM (128 bytes data with checksum) protocol to update your modem. Data in Flash ROM will be erased!!!
Are you sure (Y/N)?
7.Press Y. The following message then appears:
Start programming, please upload....
8.Wait for the following prompt characters:
9.Use the XModem protocol to upload the file to your modem. This step updates the modem’s flash EPROM with the latest firmware.