Makita DCS34 General Safety Precautions, Discription of symbols used on chain saws, Operator

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General Safety Precautions

The use of any chain saw may be hazardous. At full throttle chain speed can reach 45 mph (20 m/s). It is important that you read; fully understand and observe the following safety precautions and warnings. Read the owner’s manual and the safety instructions periodically.


Reactive forces, including kickback, can be dan- gerous. Careless or improper use of any chain saw may cause serious or fatal injury.

Have your MAKITA dealer show you how to operate your chain saw. Observe all applicable local safety regulations, standards and ordinances.



Minors should never be allowed to use a chain saw. Bystanders, especially children and animals should not be allowed in the area where a chain saw is in use (fig. 1).

Never let the saw run unattended.

Store it in a locked place away from children. Fill the fuel tank to 7/8 th full (see storing the saw). Do not lend your chain saw without this owner’s manual. Be sure that anyone using your saw un- derstands the information given.

Proper use of a chain saw involves

1.the operator

2.the saw

3.the use of the saw.

Discription of symbols used on chain saws:

CSA Z 62.1-95 and

Compliance with

Z 62.3-96

CSA -Standards

Class 1C





ANSI B175.1-1991

Compliance with

ANSI -Standard






45M6 Chain Saw listed in accordance with

C ® US American National Standard Safety


Specifications for Gasoline Powered Chain

Saws (ANSI B 175.1-1991).



CSA Z 62.1-95 and Z 62.3-96, Class 1C

max. CKA 21O Maximum Computed Kickback Angle

(CKA)* without using the chain brake when using the recommended bar and chain

combinations (In this example the CKA is 21°).

Contact of the guide bar tip with any object should be avoided! Tip contact may cause the guide bar to move suddenly upward and backward, which may cause serious injury!

Always use two hands when operating the chain saw!


Reduced Kickback Bar and

Chain combination that has been



evaluated with the power head

to achieve kickback protection



(according to ANSI and CSA



*The Computed Kickback Angle is a calculated value from energies measured on a test bench. It is not the angle of the guide bar moved upward in case of a


The operator

Physical Condition

You must be in good physical condition and mental health and not under the influence of any substance (drugs, alcohol), which might impair vision, dexterity or judgment.



Prolonged use of chain saws exposing the operator to vibrations may produce Whitefinger disease (Raynaud’s phenomenon). This phenomenon reduces the hand’s ability to feel and regulate temperature, produces numbness and burning sensations and may cause nerve and circulation damage and tissue necrosis.

All MAKITA saws are therefore provided with an antivibration system which is essential for those using chain saws on a regular or sustained basis. Antivibration systems do not guarantee that you will not sustain Whitefinger disesase, however, they reduce this danger considerably. Nevertheless, continual and regular users should observe their hands and fingers and in case of any abnormal symptoms, seek medical advice immediately.


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Contents DCS Makita DCS ContentsDelivery inventory SymbolsAdditional safety precautions Safety precautions for chain saw operatorsDiscription of symbols used on chain saws General Safety PrecautionsAnsi B175.1-1991 OperatorSaw Proper clothingUse of the saw Transporting the chain sawFeet Chain saw operating instructionsFueling Fueling instructionsCutting instructions Important adjustmentsWorking conditions Reactive forces during the cut, including kickback KickbackTo avoid kickback Saw chain cutter sharpnessSpeed of contact at which the cutter contacts the object Depth gaugesPushback Cutting techniquesTo avoid pushback To avoid pull-in= cutting down area Felling instructionsSectioning Method Plunge-Cut Method129 LimbingBucking Maintaining and storing the saw Maintenance and RepairFuel tank cap Denomination of components 13 14 Identification plateDCS Length Technical data DCSApproved bar and chain combinations Mounting the guide bar and saw chain Putting Into OperationTightening the saw chain Engaging the chain brake braking Chain brakeChecking the chain tension Releasing the chain brakeChain oil FuelFuel mixture Correct mixture ratioWaste oil Clean screw cap and tank after refuellingRefuelling Important note on bio-degradable chain oilsChecking the chain lubrication Cold start Starting the engineWarm start Stopping the engineSet idle speed Checking the safety chain brakeAdjusting the carburetor Min Sharpening the saw chain Stop025 Files and how to work with them Cleaning the guide bar, lubricating the sprocket nose Cleaning the brake band and sprocket interiorMulti-purpose grease Grease gunReplacing the suction head Cleaning the air filter StopReplacing the saw chain Replacing the spark plug Stop Replacing / cleaning the spark arrester screenChecking the ignition spark 020Maintenance and repair Instructions for daily and periodic maintenanceService, spare parts and guarantee Guarantee TroubleshootingSpare parts Malfunction System Observation CauseDCS Extract from the spare parts listSommaire Etendue de la fourniture SymbolesArrêtez le moteur avant de poser la tronçonneuse Mesures de sé curité supplé mentairesMesures gé né rales de sé curité Description des symboles figurant sur les tronç onneuses’utilisateur Condition physiqueLa tronç onneuse Quels vê tements porter?Utilisation de la tronç onneuse Transport de la tronç onneuseRavitaillement en carburant PiedsInstructions de ravitaillement Dé marrageInstructions de coupe Ré glages importantsConditions de travail Choc de recul Kickback Les limiteurs de profondeurs Affû tage des plaquettes de coupe de la chaînePour é viter le choc de recul Le recul Techniques de coupePour é viter le recul Pour é viter la traction= zone d’abattage Instructions d’abattageMé thode de coupe en plongé e Mé thode de sectionnementDé bitage EbranchageEntretien et stockage de la tronç onneuse Entretien et ré parationDCS Dé signation des piè ces 13 14 Plaque signatiqueAnnée de construction Numéro de sérieCombinaisons autorisé es de guides et de chaînes Caracté ristiques techniques DCSGuide 3/8 Longueur Ré fé renceMontage du guide et de la chaîne de sciage Mise EN RouteTendre la chaîne de sciage Contrô le de la tension de la chaîne Frein de chaîneDé clencher le frein de chaîne bloquer Libé rer le frein à mainHuile de chaîne de sciage CarburantsMé lange carburant Stockage du carburantRemplissage des ré servoirs Huile Usagé eRemarque Vé rifier le graissage de la chaîneDé marrage à froid Dé marrer le moteurDé marrage à chaud Arrê ter le moteurVé rifier le frein de chaîne De sciage Affû tage de la chaîne65 mm 65 mmLime et guidage de la lime Pompe à graisse Nettoyage du filtre à air Stop Remplacement de la cré pine d’aspirationNouvelle chaîne de sciage Vé rification de l’é tincelle d’allumage Remplacement de bougie StopChangement / nettoyage du pare-é tincelles Maintenance et ré parations Service d’atelier, piè ces de rechange et garantieIndications de maintenance et d’entretien pé riodiques Piè ces de rechange Recherche de pannesGarantie Panne Systè me Observation OrigineExtrait de la liste des piè ces de rechange USA Makita U.S.A., Inc Makita Canada Inc