Craftsman 580.32561 Maintenanceschedule, Generalbecommendations, Benebatobmaintenance

Page 15


Foiiowthe hourly or calendar intervals, whichever occurs first=

More frequent service is required when operating in adverseconditions noted beiow.





















Every 25 Hours

Every 50 Hours

Every 100 Hours







Each Use


or Yearly

or Yearly

or Yearly

Check oil level












Change engine oil




X 1


Service air cleaner






Service spark plug






Service spark arrester






Cleancooling system






Prepare for storage


If unit is to remain idle for longer than 30 days.

1Change oil after the first (5) operating hours and every 50 hours or every year, whichever occurs first, thereafter, Change sooner when operating under dirty or dusty conditions,

2Replace more often under dirty or dusty conditions,


Regular maintenancewill improve the performance and extendthe iife of the generator. Seeany Sears or other qualified dealerfor service.

The generator'swarranty does not cover items that have been subjected to operator abuse or negligence. To receive fuiI vaiue from the warranty, the operator must maintain generator as instructed in this manual

Some adjustments wili needto be made periodically to properly maintain your generator.

AtI service and adjustments should be made at least once each season. Follow the requirements in the Maintenance Schedulechart above.

NOTE:Oncea year you should clean or replace the spark ptug and repiace the air filter. A new spark plug and clean air fiiter assure proper fuel-air mixture and help your engine run better and last longer.


Maintenance,replacementor repair of the emissions control devices and systems may be performed by any non-road engine repair establishment or individual.


Generatormaintenanceconsists of keepingthe unit cteanand dry. Operateand store the unit in a clean dry environment where it wiii not be exposedto excessive dust, dirt, moisture or any corrosive vapors. Cooiing air slots in the generator must not becomeclogged with snow, leaves,or any other foreign material.

Checkthe cleanliness of the generator frequently and ctean

when dust, dirt, oii, moisture or other foreign substances are visible on its exterior surface.

NOTE:DO NOTuse a garden hose to clean generator. Water can enter the engine fuel system and causeproblems, in addition, if water enters the generator through cooiing air slots, some of the water wiii be retained in voids and cracks of the rotor and stator winding insulation. Water and dirt buiidup on the generator internai windings wiii eventually decreasethe insuiation resistance of these windings.

Generater Cleaning

Daiiy or before use,ctean accumuiated debris from generator. Keepiinkage,spring and controts clean. Keeparea around and behind muffler free from any combustibie debris= Inspect cooiing air siots and openings on the generator= Theseopenings must be kept ctean and unobstructed.

Generator parts shouid be kept clean to reducethe risk of overheating and ignition of accumulated debris.

o Usea damp cloth to wipe exterior surfaces clean.


Improper treatment of generator can damage it and shorten its iife.

DONOTexposegeneratorto excessivemoisture,dust,dirt, or corrosivevapors. DONOTinsertanyobjectsthroughcoolingslots.

,Usea soft bristle brush to loosen caked on dirt, oil, etc.

,Usea vacuumcleanerto pick uploose dirt and debris.


Image 15
Contents Safety Assembly Operation Maintenance Parts Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, JL 68179 U.S.AHours Man. =Fri a.m. to 5 p.m. CT Additional One-Year LimitedWarranty on Craftsman Generator Hazard Symheis and Nteanings WarnsngWnenadding or Draningfuel Contactwith muffler areacan result in serious burnsUnintentionai sparking can result in fire or electric shock WhenadjustingorviakinorepairstoyourgeneratorKnowyourgenerator Adjustments. Savethis manual for future referenceCarten Centents TfyouhaveanyprobbmswiththeassemMyofyourNstall Wheel Kit Unpacking the GeneraterBeforestartingthe Generator Add Engine OilWhenaddingfuel Page Generater Lecatien Howto Useyour GeneratorSystem Ground Cennecting te a Buildings Electrical SystemConnecting Electrical Loads Stopping the EngineBurns Csbdsetsand Receptacles Volt AC, 28 Amp, #uplex Receptacles128/248 VeJt AC, 38 Amp, Locking Receptacle Dontoverloadgenerator CapacityVCR Exhaust EngineSpecificationsPower Ratings Generator $pe¢ificatiensGeneralbecommendations MaintenancescheduleBenebatobmaintenance Generater Cleaning8il EnginemaintenanceKEEPOUTOFREACHOFCHILDREN.DONT Service Air CleanerCtean Spark Attester Screen Structures or damagefuel tank causing a fireAir Cooling System CJeanepJace Spark PJu9Pretect Fuel System Leng Term Sterage nstructiensGenerater Other Storage TipsContactSears or other quatified Engine is running, but no AC output is availablePage CRAFTSMAN5600 Watt AC Generator CRAFTSMAN5600 Watt AC Generator 580S25610 900 CRAFTSMAN5600 Watt AC Generater 580,325610 Main Unit Parts ListPage Bearing StatorAxle 196517GSWheel B1764GS SUPPORT,Wheel Kit 191267HGS742 746\ 307 741 ENGINE, Briggs and $tratten, 204412 Exploded View718A $52ENIINE, lri!£s and $tratton, 204412 Expletet View 3os % ENGINE, Brigis and Straiten, 204412 Exploded ViewCarburer Overhaul KIT Descriptian ENGJHE,Briggs and $tratten, 284412 Parts ListPage Cnverale EmJion information Garantia Hmitada de un ae adidenai del generader Craftsman GARANTJAOOdPLETADE UN ANO DEL GENERADORCRAFTSdANPeligro Cuando Anada COIBUSTBLE0 VACiEEL Depsito AdvebtenciaAviso AdvertenciaADVERTENCtA PrecaucionConozcasugenerador Coloquelacajadecartonen unasuperficierigiday plana Desembalaje del GeneraderCentenido de la Caja Instale el Juege de RuedasAntes DE Darle Arranqueal Genebadob AVlSOAgregar Aceite al Metor SERINGERIDO.Eviteel contacto con los ojos, la Elusodeconservantedecornbustiblerna!tieoeelcombustibleerNOtoquelosalarnbrespdadoso receptculos Como Usar SU GeneradorTierra dei Sistema Conexi6n amSistema Ei6drico de un EdifidoEl retroceso reptbgue r@ido det cable del Encienda eJ MotorConexion de Cargas Eieerieas Detener eJ MeterJuego DE Cables DEL Adaptadordel Generador VoJt AC, 28 Amp, Receptculos DohJes128/248 Voltios AC, 38 Amp, Receptcule de Ejemple No SobrecarguegeneradorCapacidad ControJde la EneraEspecificaciones de Generader MotorEspecihcacionesel Producto Peten¢ia NeminalLimpieza del Generader Programade MantenjmientoRecoiviendacionesgenerales Controlde EIVlISiONESAnteni Iento DEL Otor AceiteResultado eI fuego o eI gotpe etctrico Servicio dei Depurador de Aire Ajuste del Carhurader LJmpJe/ReempJacela BujaLimpie ia Pantalla Apagachispas $istema de Refrigeraci6n de AirePretee¢in del $istema de Cembestible Problema Page Page Page Ne habr cargee Nfermac6n sehre emisiones 888 o784-6427 Wwwmea rs,com