Craftsman 580.32561 operating instructions

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CAUTISN! Alcohol-blended fuels (called gasohoI, ethanol or methanol) can attract moisture, which ieads to separation and formation of acids during storage, Acidic gas can damagethe fuei system of an enginewhiie in storage,

To avoid engineproblems, the fuel system should betreated with a fuel preserver or emptied beforestorageof 30 daysor longer, if adding a fuel preserver, fiii the fuel tank with fresh fuel. if only partialiy tiffed, air in the tank wiii promote fuel deterioration during storage, if fuei preserver is not used, drainthe fuel tank, start the engineand let it run untii the fuel lines and carburetorareempty. Usefresh fuel next season.See Storagefor additionai information.

NEVERuse engine or carburetor cleaner products in the fuel tank as permanent damage may occur.

Fresh StarlTM Fuel Cap

Adding fuel preserver helps keepfuei fresh and carburetors ciean for easier starting, ali season iong. This new fuel cap automatically drips concentrated fuel preserver into your fuel tank.

_/////iV/b; contact to eyes, skin or c!othing. DONOTtake internaiiy. Avoid breathing the mist or vapor. Overexposureto eyesor skin can causeirritation. Keepstabilizer out of the reach of chiidren.

Fuei stabiiizer is a hazardouschemical.**

If SWALLOWED,callphysicianimmediately.

h_the caseof anemergency,contacta physicianimmediately andcall1-800-424-9300for materialsafetyinformation.

*Fuel stabilizer contains: 2.6-di-tret-butylphenol (128-39-2) and aliphatic petroleum distillate (64742-47-8),

1. Place cartridge into fuel cap.

2. Push to "snap" cartridge into place.

3. Removetab to expose membrane.


IMPORTANT:DONOTremove the silver foil seal on the opposite side.

4. Reinstall fuei cap on fuel tank.

5.Periodicaliy check the cartridge to ensure there is stiil fuel preserver inside. If it is empty, removecartridge and replace.

At altitudes over 5,000 feet (1524 meters), a minimum

85 octane / 85 AKI (89 RON)gasoline is acceptable. To remain emissions compiiant, high aititude adjustment is required. Operationwithout this adjustment wiii cause

decreasedperformance, increasedfuel consumption, and increasedemissions. Seea qualified Sears dealerfor high altitude adjustment information. Operation of the engine at altitudes below 2,500 feet (762 meters) with the high altitude kit is not recommended.

Image 9
Contents Safety Assembly Operation Maintenance Parts Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, JL 68179 U.S.AHours Man. =Fri a.m. to 5 p.m. CT Additional One-Year LimitedWarranty on Craftsman Generator Hazard Symheis and Nteanings WarnsngWnenadding or Draningfuel Contactwith muffler areacan result in serious burnsUnintentionai sparking can result in fire or electric shock WhenadjustingorviakinorepairstoyourgeneratorKnowyourgenerator Adjustments. Savethis manual for future referenceNstall Wheel Kit TfyouhaveanyprobbmswiththeassemMyofyourUnpacking the Generater Carten CententsBeforestartingthe Generator Add Engine OilWhenaddingfuel Page System Ground Howto Useyour GeneratorCennecting te a Buildings Electrical System Generater LecatienConnecting Electrical Loads Stopping the EngineBurns Csbdsetsand Receptacles Volt AC, 28 Amp, #uplex Receptacles128/248 VeJt AC, 38 Amp, Locking Receptacle Dontoverloadgenerator CapacityVCR Power Ratings EngineSpecificationsGenerator $pe¢ificatiens ExhaustBenebatobmaintenance MaintenancescheduleGenerater Cleaning Generalbecommendations8il EnginemaintenanceKEEPOUTOFREACHOFCHILDREN.DONT Service Air CleanerAir Cooling System Structures or damagefuel tank causing a fireCJeanepJace Spark PJu9 Ctean Spark Attester ScreenGenerater Leng Term Sterage nstructiensOther Storage Tips Pretect Fuel SystemContactSears or other quatified Engine is running, but no AC output is availablePage CRAFTSMAN5600 Watt AC Generator CRAFTSMAN5600 Watt AC Generator 580S25610 900 CRAFTSMAN5600 Watt AC Generater 580,325610 Main Unit Parts ListPage Bearing StatorWheel 196517GSB1764GS SUPPORT,Wheel Kit 191267HGS Axle718A ENGINE, Briggs and $tratten, 204412 Exploded View$52 742 746\ 307 741ENIINE, lri!£s and $tratton, 204412 Expletet View 3os % ENGINE, Brigis and Straiten, 204412 Exploded ViewCarburer Overhaul KIT Descriptian ENGJHE,Briggs and $tratten, 284412 Parts ListPage Cnverale EmJion information Garantia Hmitada de un ae adidenai del generader Craftsman GARANTJAOOdPLETADE UN ANO DEL GENERADORCRAFTSdANPeligro Cuando Anada COIBUSTBLE0 VACiEEL Depsito AdvebtenciaADVERTENCtA AdvertenciaPrecaucion AvisoConozcasugenerador Centenido de la Caja Desembalaje del GeneraderInstale el Juege de Ruedas Coloquelacajadecartonen unasuperficierigiday planaAntes DE Darle Arranqueal Genebadob AVlSOAgregar Aceite al Metor SERINGERIDO.Eviteel contacto con los ojos, la Elusodeconservantedecornbustiblerna!tieoeelcombustibleerTierra dei Sistema Como Usar SU GeneradorConexi6n amSistema Ei6drico de un Edifido NOtoquelosalarnbrespdadoso receptculosConexion de Cargas Eieerieas Encienda eJ MotorDetener eJ Meter El retroceso reptbgue r@ido det cable delJuego DE Cables DEL Adaptadordel Generador VoJt AC, 28 Amp, Receptculos DohJes128/248 Voltios AC, 38 Amp, Receptcule de Capacidad No SobrecarguegeneradorControJde la Enera EjempleEspecihcacionesel Producto MotorPeten¢ia Neminal Especificaciones de GeneraderRecoiviendacionesgenerales Programade MantenjmientoControlde EIVlISiONES Limpieza del GeneraderAnteni Iento DEL Otor AceiteResultado eI fuego o eI gotpe etctrico Servicio dei Depurador de Aire Limpie ia Pantalla Apagachispas LJmpJe/ReempJacela Buja$istema de Refrigeraci6n de Aire Ajuste del CarhuraderPretee¢in del $istema de Cembestible Problema Page Page Page Ne habr cargee Nfermac6n sehre emisiones 888 o784-6427 Wwwmea rs,com