Craftsman 580.32561 Air Cooling System, CJeanepJace Spark PJu9, Ctean Spark Attester Screen

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CJean_epJace Spark PJu9

Changethe spark piug every 100 hours of operation or once each year, whichever comes first. This wifl help your engine to start easier and run better.

1.Cleanarea around spark piug.

2.Remove and inspect spark piug.

3.Checkelectrode gap with wire feeler gaugeand set spark plug gap to 0.030 inch (0.76ram) if necessary.

4.Replacespark plug if electrodes are pitted, burned or porcelain is cracked. Use a recommended replacement plug.

5.Install spark plug and tighten firmly.

NOTE:You can purchasea new spark plug by calling l=800-4=MY=NONiE(469=4663),

Ctean Spark Attester Screen

The engine exhaust muffler has a spark arrestor screen. Inspectand clean the screen every 100 hours of operation or once eachyear, whichever comes first.

NOTE:You can purchasea new spark arrester screen by calling 1-800-4-MY-HOME (469-4663).

If you useyour generator on any forest-covered, brush- covered, or grass-coveredunimproved iand, it must have a spark arrestor. The spark arrestor must be maintainedin good condition by the owner/operator.

2. Removefour screwsthat attachspark arrestorscreen(C).

3.Inspect screen and obtain a repiacement if torn, perforated or otherwise damaged. DO NOTuse a defectivescreen, if screen is not damaged,clean it with commercial soivent.

4.Reattachscreenand muffler guard.

Air Cooling System

Overtime debris may accumulate in cyiinder cooiing fins and cannot be observed without partial engine disassembly. For this reason,we recommend you have a Sears or other quaiified service deaierclean the cooiing system (A) per recommended intervais (see Maintenance Schedub). Equally important is to keeptop of engine free from debris=See Generator C/eaning.




Contactwith muffler areacan result in serious




Exhaust heat/gases can ignite combustibles,


structures or damagefuel tank causing a fire.

*DONOTtouchhot partsandAVODhot exhaustgases. , Allowequipmentto coolbeforetouching.

oKeepat least5 feet(1.5m) of clearanceonall sidesof generatorincludingoverhead.

oCodeof Federa!Regulation(CFR)Title36 Parks,Forests,and PublicPropertyrequireequipmentpoweredbyan internal combustionengineto haveasparkattester,maintainedin

effectiveworkingorder,complyingto USDAForestservice standard5100-1Cor laterrevision.Inthe Stateof Californiaa sparkarresteris requiredundersection4442of theCalifornia Publicresourcescode.Otherstatesmayhavesimilarlaws.

Clean and inspect the spark arrestor as fellows:

1.To removemuffler heat shield (A) from muffler (B), removefour screwsthat connectguardto muffler bracket.


The carburetor on this engine is iow emission, it is equipped with a non-adjustable idle mixture valve and governed idJe,if equipped. Governedidie and top speed have beenset at the factory, if adjustment is required, see any Sears or other

ualified dealer.


Excessivelyhigh operating speeds increase risk of injury and damageto generator.

Excessivelyiow speeds impose a heavyioad.

DONOTtamperwithgovernedspeed.Generatorsupplies correctratedfrequency'andvoltagewhenrunningat governed speed.



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Contents Safety Assembly Operation Maintenance Parts Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, JL 68179 U.S.AHours Man. =Fri a.m. to 5 p.m. CT Additional One-Year LimitedWarranty on Craftsman Generator Warnsng Hazard Symheis and NteaningsContactwith muffler areacan result in serious burns Wnenadding or DraningfuelWhenadjustingorviakinorepairstoyourgenerator Unintentionai sparking can result in fire or electric shockAdjustments. Savethis manual for future reference KnowyourgeneratorUnpacking the Generater TfyouhaveanyprobbmswiththeassemMyofyourNstall Wheel Kit Carten CententsBeforestartingthe Generator Add Engine OilWhenaddingfuel Page Cennecting te a Buildings Electrical System Howto Useyour GeneratorSystem Ground Generater LecatienConnecting Electrical Loads Stopping the EngineBurns Csbdsetsand Receptacles Volt AC, 28 Amp, #uplex Receptacles128/248 VeJt AC, 38 Amp, Locking Receptacle Dontoverloadgenerator CapacityVCR Generator $pe¢ificatiens EngineSpecificationsPower Ratings ExhaustGenerater Cleaning MaintenancescheduleBenebatobmaintenance GeneralbecommendationsEnginemaintenance 8ilService Air Cleaner KEEPOUTOFREACHOFCHILDREN.DONTCJeanepJace Spark PJu9 Structures or damagefuel tank causing a fireAir Cooling System Ctean Spark Attester ScreenOther Storage Tips Leng Term Sterage nstructiensGenerater Pretect Fuel SystemEngine is running, but no AC output is available ContactSears or other quatifiedPage CRAFTSMAN5600 Watt AC Generator CRAFTSMAN5600 Watt AC Generator 580S25610 900 Main Unit Parts List CRAFTSMAN5600 Watt AC Generater 580,325610Page Stator BearingB1764GS SUPPORT,Wheel Kit 191267HGS 196517GSWheel Axle$52 ENGINE, Briggs and $tratten, 204412 Exploded View718A 742 746\ 307 741ENIINE, lri!£s and $tratton, 204412 Expletet View 3os % ENGINE, Brigis and Straiten, 204412 Exploded ViewCarburer Overhaul KIT ENGJHE,Briggs and $tratten, 284412 Parts List DescriptianPage Cnverale EmJion information GARANTJAOOdPLETADE UN ANO DEL GENERADORCRAFTSdAN Garantia Hmitada de un ae adidenai del generader CraftsmanPeligro Advebtencia Cuando Anada COIBUSTBLE0 VACiEEL DepsitoPrecaucion AdvertenciaADVERTENCtA AvisoConozcasugenerador Instale el Juege de Ruedas Desembalaje del GeneraderCentenido de la Caja Coloquelacajadecartonen unasuperficierigiday planaAntes DE Darle Arranqueal Genebadob AVlSOAgregar Aceite al Metor Elusodeconservantedecornbustiblerna!tieoeelcombustibleer SERINGERIDO.Eviteel contacto con los ojos, laConexi6n amSistema Ei6drico de un Edifido Como Usar SU GeneradorTierra dei Sistema NOtoquelosalarnbrespdadoso receptculosDetener eJ Meter Encienda eJ MotorConexion de Cargas Eieerieas El retroceso reptbgue r@ido det cable delJuego DE Cables DEL Adaptadordel Generador VoJt AC, 28 Amp, Receptculos DohJes128/248 Voltios AC, 38 Amp, Receptcule de ControJde la Enera No SobrecarguegeneradorCapacidad EjemplePeten¢ia Neminal MotorEspecihcacionesel Producto Especificaciones de GeneraderControlde EIVlISiONES Programade MantenjmientoRecoiviendacionesgenerales Limpieza del GeneraderAnteni Iento DEL Otor AceiteResultado eI fuego o eI gotpe etctrico Servicio dei Depurador de Aire $istema de Refrigeraci6n de Aire LJmpJe/ReempJacela BujaLimpie ia Pantalla Apagachispas Ajuste del CarhuraderPretee¢in del $istema de Cembestible Problema Page Page Page Ne habr cargee Nfermac6n sehre emisiones Wwwmea rs,com 888 o784-6427