Craftsman 580.32561 Howto Useyour Generator, System Ground, Generater Lecatien

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If you haveany problems operating your generator after readingthe manual, please call the generator helpiine at 1o800o222o3136.

System Ground

The generator has a system ground that connects the generator frame components to the ground terminals on the AC output receptacbs. The system ground is connected to the AC neutral wire (the neutral is bonded to the generator frame),

Special Requirements

There may be Federator StateOccupational Safety and HealthAdministration (OSHA)regulations, local codes, or ordinancesthat appiy to the intended use of the generator. Pieaseconsult a quaiifbd eiectrician, electrical inspector, or the local agency having jurisdiction.

,In some areas,generators are requiredto be registered with iocai utiiity companies.

oIf the generator is used at a construction site, there may be additional regulations which must be observed.

Cennecting te a Building's Electrical System

Connectionsfor standby power to a buiiding'selectrical system must be made by a quaiified electrician. The connection must isoiate the generator power from utiiity power, and must comply with alI appficabb laws and electrbaI codes.












power utiiity can




death or generatorinjury

electric utility workers

due to backfeed of electricai energy.

Wher_using generator for backup power, notify utility company Use approvedtralssfer equipment to isolate generator frorn electric utility

Use a ground fault circuit interrLipter(GFCI)in any damp or highly conductive area, such as metal decking or steel work.

DO NOTtouch bare wires or receptacles

oDO NOTuse generator with ebetrical cords which are worn, frayed bare or otherwise damaged.

DO NOToperate generator in the rain or wet weather

DO NOThandle generator or ebctrica! cords while standing in water, while barefoot, or while hands or feet are wet

DO NOTallow Lmqualifiedpersons or children to operate or service generator.

Generater Lecatien

Generater Clearance


_,_5 Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibles,

structures or damage fuel tank causing a fire. Keepat least5 ft. (1.5 rn)clearanceonall sidesof generator includingoverhead.

Macegenerator outdoors in an areattsatwiii not accumuiate deadiy exhaust gas. DO NOTpiace generator where exhaust gas (A) couid accumulate and enter inside or be drawn into a potentialiy occupied buiiding. Ensure exhaust gas is kept away from any windows, doors, ventiiation intakes, or other openings that can ailow exhaust gas to coiiect in a confined area. Prevaiiing winds and air currents shouid be taken into consideration when positioning generator.

Using a generator indoors CAN KiLL YOU mN MINUTES,

Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide, This is a poison you cannot see or smell,

Only use OUTSIDE and far away from windows, doors, and vents,


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Contents Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, JL 68179 U.S.A Safety Assembly Operation Maintenance PartsHours Man. =Fri a.m. to 5 p.m. CT Additional One-Year LimitedWarranty on Craftsman Generator Warnsng Hazard Symheis and NteaningsContactwith muffler areacan result in serious burns Wnenadding or DraningfuelWhenadjustingorviakinorepairstoyourgenerator Unintentionai sparking can result in fire or electric shockAdjustments. Savethis manual for future reference KnowyourgeneratorUnpacking the Generater TfyouhaveanyprobbmswiththeassemMyofyourNstall Wheel Kit Carten CententsAdd Engine Oil Beforestartingthe GeneratorWhenaddingfuel Page Cennecting te a Buildings Electrical System Howto Useyour GeneratorSystem Ground Generater LecatienStopping the Engine Connecting Electrical LoadsBurns Volt AC, 28 Amp, #uplex Receptacles Csbdsetsand Receptacles128/248 VeJt AC, 38 Amp, Locking Receptacle Capacity DontoverloadgeneratorVCR Generator $pe¢ificatiens EngineSpecificationsPower Ratings ExhaustGenerater Cleaning MaintenancescheduleBenebatobmaintenance GeneralbecommendationsEnginemaintenance 8ilService Air Cleaner KEEPOUTOFREACHOFCHILDREN.DONTCJeanepJace Spark PJu9 Structures or damagefuel tank causing a fireAir Cooling System Ctean Spark Attester ScreenOther Storage Tips Leng Term Sterage nstructiensGenerater Pretect Fuel SystemEngine is running, but no AC output is available ContactSears or other quatifiedPage CRAFTSMAN5600 Watt AC Generator CRAFTSMAN5600 Watt AC Generator 580S25610 900 Main Unit Parts List CRAFTSMAN5600 Watt AC Generater 580,325610Page Stator BearingB1764GS SUPPORT,Wheel Kit 191267HGS 196517GSWheel Axle$52 ENGINE, Briggs and $tratten, 204412 Exploded View718A 742 746\ 307 741ENIINE, lri!£s and $tratton, 204412 Expletet View ENGINE, Brigis and Straiten, 204412 Exploded View 3os %Carburer Overhaul KIT ENGJHE,Briggs and $tratten, 284412 Parts List DescriptianPage Cnverale EmJion information GARANTJAOOdPLETADE UN ANO DEL GENERADORCRAFTSdAN Garantia Hmitada de un ae adidenai del generader CraftsmanPeligro Advebtencia Cuando Anada COIBUSTBLE0 VACiEEL DepsitoPrecaucion AdvertenciaADVERTENCtA AvisoConozcasugenerador Instale el Juege de Ruedas Desembalaje del GeneraderCentenido de la Caja Coloquelacajadecartonen unasuperficierigiday planaAVlSO Antes DE Darle Arranqueal GenebadobAgregar Aceite al Metor Elusodeconservantedecornbustiblerna!tieoeelcombustibleer SERINGERIDO.Eviteel contacto con los ojos, laConexi6n amSistema Ei6drico de un Edifido Como Usar SU GeneradorTierra dei Sistema NOtoquelosalarnbrespdadoso receptculosDetener eJ Meter Encienda eJ MotorConexion de Cargas Eieerieas El retroceso reptbgue r@ido det cable delVoJt AC, 28 Amp, Receptculos DohJes Juego DE Cables DEL Adaptadordel Generador128/248 Voltios AC, 38 Amp, Receptcule de ControJde la Enera No SobrecarguegeneradorCapacidad EjemplePeten¢ia Neminal MotorEspecihcacionesel Producto Especificaciones de GeneraderControlde EIVlISiONES Programade MantenjmientoRecoiviendacionesgenerales Limpieza del GeneraderAceite Anteni Iento DEL OtorResultado eI fuego o eI gotpe etctrico Servicio dei Depurador de Aire $istema de Refrigeraci6n de Aire LJmpJe/ReempJacela BujaLimpie ia Pantalla Apagachispas Ajuste del CarhuraderPretee¢in del $istema de Cembestible Problema Page Page Page Ne habr cargee Nfermac6n sehre emisiones Wwwmea rs,com 888 o784-6427