Craftsman 580.32561 operating instructions Enginemaintenance, 8il

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TheStatStationTM displays the nominai ioad on generator based on output frequency. It also has a built in maintenance reminder.

Wattage Monitor Operatian

The dispiay is two seven-segment LEDsthat provide an easy- to-read indication of the amount of power being suppiied by the generator. The ioad monitor displays the generator's output as a percentage.

As generator ioad increases,the dispiay vaiues wiii increase. When the dispiayedvalues begin flashing, the user should stop adding electricaI ioads to the generator.

If the power usage becomestoo hi@l, the ietters "OL" (for Over Load)will flash on the display. The user should reduce the amount of load attached to the generator.

_laintenanee Reminder

The LEDwill display certain codes to aiert you to check oii, change off, check or replaceair fiiter and check or replace spark piug. The foliowing codes wiii display:

"C1" Check oii at 8 hour increments "C2" Changeoil at 50 hour increments

"C3" Check or repiace air fiiter at 25 hour increments "C4" Check or repiace spark piug at 100 hour increments To take advantage of the StatStation "maintenance reminder" capabilities, tile user must press tile resetbutton after compieting the maintenancecatied for in the dispiayedcode (Cl, C2, C3, or C4). This results in a display of "Co" or "CA", depending on how iong the button is pressed:

1)"Co" = Pressingthe reset button once quickiy wiii display "Co" (clearing to zero). This wilI clear any maintenancecodes that haveelapsed up to that point and they wiii begin timing againfrom zero.

2)"CA" - Pressing and hoiding the resetbutton for

2 seconds wilI display "CA"(clearing all). This clearsalI maintenancecodes, even if they have not yet reached their service point, and they will begin timing again from zero.

If nominal Ioad and maintenancecodes appear

simuItaneously, the LEDshall display, alternately, the nominal Ioad and code as follows:

The code wilI display for 3 seconds, then 1/2 second off. The load will display for 6 seconds and then 1/2 second off.



Unintentionai sparking can result in fire or electric shock.


,',Disconnectthe sparkplugwhefromthe sparkplugandplace thewirewhereit cannotcontactsparkplug.


, Useapprovedsparkplugtester.

• DONOTcheckfor sparkwithsparkplugremoved.



NOTE:When adding oiI to the engine crankcase, use only high quality detergent oii classified "For Service SF,SG, SH, SJ" or higiler. DO NOTuse speciai additives.

1. Choosea viscosity according to the foiiowing table:



40 C






















NOTE:Synthetic oii meeting iLSAC GF=2,API certification mark and APi service symboi with "SJ/CFENERGY CONSERVING"or higiler, is an acceptabieoii at aii temperatures. Use of synthetic oil does not alter required oil change intervals.

$AE30:40 °Fand h@her(5 °Cand h,{qher)is good for ati purpose use above 40°F, use below 40°F will causehard starting.

10W-30:0 to 100 °F(=18 to 38 °C) is better for varying temperature conditions. This grade of oii improves coid weather starting, but may increaseoil consumption at 80°F (27°C) or higher.

*Check oii ievei frequently at higher temperatures.

Synthetic 5W-30:=20 to 120 °F(=30to 40 °5')provides the best protection at all temperatures as weii as improved starting with iess oii consumption.

5W-31}:40 °Fand be_;ow(5 °Cand be/ow) is recommended for winter use, and works best in cold conditions.


Image 16
Contents Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, JL 68179 U.S.A Safety Assembly Operation Maintenance PartsHours Man. =Fri a.m. to 5 p.m. CT Additional One-Year LimitedWarranty on Craftsman Generator Warnsng Hazard Symheis and NteaningsContactwith muffler areacan result in serious burns Wnenadding or DraningfuelWhenadjustingorviakinorepairstoyourgenerator Unintentionai sparking can result in fire or electric shockAdjustments. Savethis manual for future reference KnowyourgeneratorTfyouhaveanyprobbmswiththeassemMyofyour Nstall Wheel KitUnpacking the Generater Carten CententsAdd Engine Oil Beforestartingthe GeneratorWhenaddingfuel Page Howto Useyour Generator System GroundCennecting te a Buildings Electrical System Generater LecatienStopping the Engine Connecting Electrical LoadsBurns Volt AC, 28 Amp, #uplex Receptacles Csbdsetsand Receptacles128/248 VeJt AC, 38 Amp, Locking Receptacle Capacity DontoverloadgeneratorVCR EngineSpecifications Power RatingsGenerator $pe¢ificatiens ExhaustMaintenanceschedule BenebatobmaintenanceGenerater Cleaning GeneralbecommendationsEnginemaintenance 8ilService Air Cleaner KEEPOUTOFREACHOFCHILDREN.DONTStructures or damagefuel tank causing a fire Air Cooling SystemCJeanepJace Spark PJu9 Ctean Spark Attester ScreenLeng Term Sterage nstructiens GeneraterOther Storage Tips Pretect Fuel SystemEngine is running, but no AC output is available ContactSears or other quatifiedPage CRAFTSMAN5600 Watt AC Generator CRAFTSMAN5600 Watt AC Generator 580S25610 900 Main Unit Parts List CRAFTSMAN5600 Watt AC Generater 580,325610Page Stator Bearing196517GS WheelB1764GS SUPPORT,Wheel Kit 191267HGS AxleENGINE, Briggs and $tratten, 204412 Exploded View 718A$52 742 746\ 307 741ENIINE, lri!£s and $tratton, 204412 Expletet View ENGINE, Brigis and Straiten, 204412 Exploded View 3os %Carburer Overhaul KIT ENGJHE,Briggs and $tratten, 284412 Parts List DescriptianPage Cnverale EmJion information GARANTJAOOdPLETADE UN ANO DEL GENERADORCRAFTSdAN Garantia Hmitada de un ae adidenai del generader CraftsmanPeligro Advebtencia Cuando Anada COIBUSTBLE0 VACiEEL DepsitoAdvertencia ADVERTENCtAPrecaucion AvisoConozcasugenerador Desembalaje del Generader Centenido de la CajaInstale el Juege de Ruedas Coloquelacajadecartonen unasuperficierigiday planaAVlSO Antes DE Darle Arranqueal GenebadobAgregar Aceite al Metor Elusodeconservantedecornbustiblerna!tieoeelcombustibleer SERINGERIDO.Eviteel contacto con los ojos, laComo Usar SU Generador Tierra dei SistemaConexi6n amSistema Ei6drico de un Edifido NOtoquelosalarnbrespdadoso receptculosEncienda eJ Motor Conexion de Cargas EieerieasDetener eJ Meter El retroceso reptbgue r@ido det cable delVoJt AC, 28 Amp, Receptculos DohJes Juego DE Cables DEL Adaptadordel Generador128/248 Voltios AC, 38 Amp, Receptcule de No Sobrecarguegenerador CapacidadControJde la Enera EjempleMotor Especihcacionesel ProductoPeten¢ia Neminal Especificaciones de GeneraderProgramade Mantenjmiento RecoiviendacionesgeneralesControlde EIVlISiONES Limpieza del GeneraderAceite Anteni Iento DEL OtorResultado eI fuego o eI gotpe etctrico Servicio dei Depurador de Aire LJmpJe/ReempJacela Buja Limpie ia Pantalla Apagachispas$istema de Refrigeraci6n de Aire Ajuste del CarhuraderPretee¢in del $istema de Cembestible Problema Page Page Page Ne habr cargee Nfermac6n sehre emisiones Wwwmea rs,com 888 o784-6427