checking, check levels, 115 downloading, 133
entering and editing, Programming Console, 84 uploading, 132
proximity switches, preventing false inputs, 51
pulse output function, 2, 7
relay outputs, connecting, 50
response time, for interrupt inputs, 6
restrictions, SSS, 68
RUN mode, description, 76
scheduled interrupt mode, 7
scheduled interrupts, 2, 7
instruction, Programming Console, 87 operands, Programming Console,
shock resistance, 20
signed decimal data
modifying, Programming Console, 98 monitoring, 94
specifications changes, 17 characteristics, 21 Communications Adapters, 27 Expansion Memory Unit, 129 general specifications, 20 input specifications, 23, 24 output specifications
relay output, 25
transistor output, sink type, 26 transistor output, source type, 26
SSS, 68
See also SYSMAC Support Software offline and online operations, 73 offline operations, 69
online operations, 72 precautions, 68 restrictions, 68 System Setup, 68
status, monitoring, Programming Console, 90
SV, modifying, Programming Console, 95
syntax, checking the program, Programming Console, 89
SYSMAC Support Software, 16 See also SSS connecting, 15
system checks, 110 configuration, 10
System Setup, 68
effect on capacitor backup, 22 operating, storage, 20
Temperature Sensor Units precautions, xv standard models, 138
temperature, ambient, 20
terminals, screw size, 20
Termination Resistance Switch,
test run example, 107 procedure, 110
changing SV, Programming Console, 95 example of inputting, 105
troubleshooting, 117 fatal errors, 119 I/O errors, 121
unsigned decimal data
modifying, Programming Console, 99 monitoring,
up/down mode, 8
uploading, programs, 132