| Glossary | |
instruction | A direction given in the program that tells the PC of the action to be carried out, | |
| and the data to be used in carrying out the action. Instructions can be used to | |
| simply turn a bit ON or OFF, or they can perform much more complex actions, | |
| such as converting and/or transferring large blocks of data. | |
instruction block | A group of instructions that is logically related in a | |
| logic block includes all of the instruction lines that interconnect with each other | |
| from one or more line connecting to the left bus bar to one or more | |
| instructions connecting to the right bus bar. | |
instruction execution time | The time required to execute an instruction. The execution time for any one | |
| instruction can vary with the execution conditions for the instruction and the | |
| operands used in it. | |
instruction line | A group of conditions that lie together on the same horizontal line of a ladder dia- | |
| gram. Instruction lines can branch apart or join together to form instruction | |
| blocks. Also called a rung. | |
interface | An interface is the conceptual boundary between systems or devices and usu- | |
| ally involves changes in the way the communicated data is represented. Inter- | |
| face devices perform operations like changing the coding, format, or speed of | |
| the data. | |
interlock | A programming method used to treat a number of instructions as a group so that | |
| the entire group can be reset together when individual execution is not required. | |
| An interlocked program section is executed normally for an ON execution condi- | |
| tion and partially reset for an OFF execution condition. | |
interrupt (signal) | A signal that stops normal program execution and causes a subroutine to be run | |
| or other processing to take place. | |
interrupt program | A program that is executed in response to an interrupt. | |
inverse condition | See normally closed condition. | |
JIS | An acronym for Japanese Industrial Standards. | |
jump | A type of programming where execution moves directly from one point in a pro- | |
| gram to another, without sequentially executing any instructions in between. | |
jump number | A definer used with a jump that defines the points from and to which a jump is to | |
| be made. | |
ladder diagram (program) | A form of program arising out of | |
| type diagrams to represent the logic flow of programming instructions. The | |
| appearance of the program is similar to a ladder, and thus the name. | |
ladder diagram symbol | A symbol used in drawing a | |
ladder instruction | An instruction that represents the conditions on a | |
| other instructions in a ladder diagram fall along the right side of the diagram and | |
| are called terminal instructions. | |
Ladder Support Software | A software package installed on a IBM PC/AT or compatible computer to func- | |
| tion as a Programming Device. | |
See rightmost (bit/word). | ||
LED | Acronym for | |
leftmost (bit/word) | The highest numbered bits of a group of bits, generally of an entire word, or the | |
| highest numbered words of a group of words. These bits/words are often called | |