| 4: Configuration Using XML | |
Group Name | Item Name | Value Name |
| Valid Values |
line (With no instance.) | flow control |
| hardware |
(Within group “line” with |
| none | |
instance.) (continued) |
| |
| |
| software | |
| |
| xon char |
| xoff char |
lpd | jobs printed |
(Attribute of “instance” is a |
bytes printed |
| |
number.) |
current client ip address |
| |
| |
| current client port |
| last client ip address |
| last client port |
memory | main heap | condition |
| clean |
| corrupt |
| total memory |
| available memory |
| fragments |
| allocated blocks |
modbus local slave | totals | pdus in |
| pdus out |
| exceptions |
modbus tcp server | state |
| down |
(Attribute of “instance” is |
| up | |
“permanent” or “additional”.) |
| binding | |
| |
| no port |
| local port |
| totals | uptime |
| pdus in |
| pdus out |
| connections |
| last connection | local ip address |
| local port |
| remote ip address |
| remote port |
| current connection | local ip address |
| local port |
| remote ip address |
XPort Pro Command Reference | 42 |