| 5: Commands and Levels |
auto show tlog | Continuously displays the internal trouble log. |
auto show upload | Continuously displays the status of firmware upload. |
clrscrn | Clears the screen. |
default long name | Restores the default product long name. |
default short name | Restores the default product short name. |
dhrystone | Runs the Dhrystone benchmark program. |
exit | Exit to the enable level. |
long name <name> | Sets the product long name, displayed in command mode |
| and the Web interface. |
short name <name> | Sets the product short name, displayed in command mode |
| and the Web interface. |
| <name> = maximum of eight characters. |
show | Show system information |
show buffer pool | Displays information about the various buffer pools. |
show codefile memory | Displays memory utilization by code files. |
show debug | Displays debug information. |
show delta memory | Displays differences in memory utilization by code files or |
| line reference. |
show hardware information | Displays information about the hardware. |
show history | Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current |
| CLI session. |
show linereference memory <code filename> | Displays memory utilization by line reference for one code |
| file. |
show memory | Displays current memory usage information. |
show task memory | Displays task memory utilization. |
show task state | Displays current task states. |
show tlog | Displays the internal trouble log. |
show upload | Displays the status of firmware upload. |
show xport_pro | Show system information |
write | Stores the current configuration in permanent memory. |
diagnostics |
clrscrn | Clears the screen. |
exit | Returns to the config level. |
log | Enters the next lower level. |
show | Displays the current configuration. |
show history | Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current |
| CLI session. |
write | Stores the current configuration in permanent memory. |
disconnect |
clrscrn | Clears the screen. |
exit | Returns to the tunnel level. |
flush serial disable | Does not flush serial data upon closing a tunneling con- |
| nection. |
flush serial enable | Flushes serial data buffer when a tunneling connection is |
| closed. |
flush stop character disable | Forwards the stop character from the Line to the network. |
flush stop character enable | Prevents the stop character from the Line from being for- |
| warded to the network. |
XPort Pro Command Reference | 58 |