LH - Log History
lh [ RETURN ]
Displays the last sixty messages in the System Activity Log. The messages are displayed twenty to a page with a total of three pages. – More to Come – appears at the bottom of the first two pages and – End of List – appears at the bottom of the last (third) page. Press [ RETURN ] to move from the first to the second or second to the third page and press [ RETURN ] to return to the menu of commands when you have reached the third page.
Note: If AT&T Key users are undergoing unexplained access failures or are failing for reasons 2, 3, or 5 of Table
A sample version of the display follows.
> lh
JPLock01 531 07/12/90 13:23:18 KEY20
JPLock01 535 07/12/90 13:26:59 Attempt by KEY20 [#4321] Failed (4) Blocked User
JPLock01 536 07/12/90 13:27:00 KEY20 [#4321] Disconnected
JPLock01 537 07/12/90 13:27:06 AT&T RPSD Lock - V1.0 - Idle/Locked JPLock01 538 07/12/90 13:27:45 KEY20
JPLock01 540 07/12/90 13:28:04 KEY20 [#4321] Connected JPLock01 541 07/12/90 13:32:13 KEY20 [#4321] Disconnected JPLock01 542 07/12/90 13:32:15 AT&T RPSD Lock - V1.0 - Idle/Locked JPLock01 543 07/12/90 13:32:50 Call Received
JPLock01 544 07/12/90 13:33:02 Attempt by KEY20 [#8765] Failed
(5)Invalid Response
JPLock01 545 07/12/90 13:32:12 KEY20 [#8765] Disconnected JPLock01 546 07/12/90 13:32:17 AT&T RPSD Lock - V1.0 - Idle/Locked JPLock01 547 07/12/90 13:34:59 Date Changed OK
JPLock01 548 07/12/90 13:43:55 Call Received
JPLock01 549 07/12/90 13:44:04 KEY20 [#4321] Connected JPLock01 550 07/12/90 13:49:13 KEY20 [#4321] Disconnected
--More to Come