FD - Force Disconnect
fd [ RETURN ]
The Force Disconnect command disconnects a call in progress. This might be used to clear the channel for a higher priority call. The Lock will request confirmation of a Force Disconnect command.
If a Force Disconnect command is issued when no call is in progress, an error message will be returned.
Sample Command and Response:
JPLock01 | 195 | 08/17/90 | 14:23:55 | Call | Received |
JPLock01 | 196 | 08/17/90 | 14:24:04 | KEY20 | [#4321] Connected |
> fd |
Disconnect Current Call (Y/N) ? y |
| ||||
JPLock01 | 197 | 08/17/90 | 14:58:39 | Force | Disconnect |
D - Date Set
d <mm/dd/yy> [ RETURN ]
Sets the date for the RPSD Lock. This must be done in order for the System Activity Log to be accurate. The date should be set upon installation of the Lock to be sure that it is correct.
In the above syntax, d is the command and <mm/dd/yy> is the date in month, day, and year format. Be certain to use two digits for each part of the date, including a zero at the beginning for months or days less than 10 (for example, 08/01/90). Only the last two digits are used for the year. Also be certain to separate the month, day, and year with the slash (/) character.
Sample Command and Response:
> d 08/14/90
JPLock01 198 08/17/90 15:14:13 Date Changed OK
RPSD System Administrator Command Set |