User's Port Connections
HDSL Line Connections
Front and Rear Panel Clearance
Ambient Requirements
2.2 Unpacking
A preliminary inspection of the equipment container should be made before unpacking. Evidence of damage should be noted and reported immediately.
Unpack the equipment as follows:
∙Place the container on a clean flat surface, cut all straps, and open or remove top.
∙Take out the
∙Inspect the product for damage. Report immediately any damage found.
2.3 Site Requirements
The user's port connector, designated DCE, depends on the interface type installed on the unit:
∙V.35 interface:
∙X.21 interface:
∙Ethernet interface: shielded
Appendix A provides information on the pin allocation of the user's port connectors, and for the adapter cable.
The HDSL line of the
Allow at least 90 cm (36 inches) of frontal clearance for operator access. Allow at least 10 cm (4 inches) clearance at the rear of the unit for interface cable connections.
The ambient operating temperature of the