1.7 Setting Port
Select Enable and then touch Save.
Select Close to return to the screen of Step 4.
Select Exit Tools.
The machine will be rebooted.
1.7.2Other setting items
If necessary, define the settings for the following items related to LPD. However, there is no need to change the factory setting of these items under normal conditions.
¥ | LPD Print Mode | (Factory setting: PCL*) |
¥ | LPD PJL Switch | (Factory setting: On) |
¥ | LPD TBCP Filter | (Factory setting: Enable) |
¥ | LPD Connection | (Factory setting: 16 sec) |
¥ | LPD Spool | (Factory setting: Hard Disk spool) |
Refer to "Chapter 13 Configuring by the Tools Mode Screen". These items can also be set using Internet Services. Refer to "Chapter 10 Using Internet Services" for information on Internet Services.
• * If the optional PostScript software kit is installed, factory setting will be Auto.
•With LPD, you can store the print data output from the application in the spool file of the printer temporarily to be processed for printing. Set the spool mode by using the LPD spool of the receive buffer capacity.
Spool mode:
The mode which stores print data output from the application in the spool file of the printer temporarily to be processed for printing. You can choose to save the spool file in either the RAM disk which uses the printer memory or the hard disk connected to the printer. As the processing of print data after spooling will be done in the printer, the application in the client is released sooner. Requests from multiple clients can be processed at the same time.
Non spool mode:
The mode which processes printing while the print data output from the application is being received by the printer. When the printer is processing printing request from a client, printing request from other clients cannot be received.
Overview of the Printer