9. Answering Machine
4To stop recording, press {MEMO}.
LYou can also stop recording by pressing
For voice mail/Call minder service subscribers
To receive voice mail/Call minder and use answering system properly, please note the following:
–To use the voice mail/Call minder service provided by your service provider rather than this unit’s answering system, change the receiving mode to TEL mode (page 54).
–To use this unit’s answering system rather than the voice mail/Call minder service provided by your service provider, please consult your service provider to deactivate your voice mail/Call minder service.
If your service provider cannot do this, set the ring setting in TAM/FAX mode (feature #06 on page 67) so that this unit’s answering system answers calls before the service provider’s voice mail/Call minder service tries to answer your calls. It is necessary to check the number of rings required to activate the voice mail/Call minder service provided by your service provider before changing this setting.