■Communication Setup
Click the [SERIAL PORT SETUP] or [NETWORK SETUP] button. The respective window opens.
■Serial Port Setup
8Protocol Selection (PROTOCOL SELECT)
PS•DATA: Select when the communication chain uses the PS•DATA protocol.
When selected, the DATA terminal on the rear panel can be used.
8Baud Rate (BAUD RATE)
4800: 4 800 bps
9600: 9 600 bps
19200: 19 200 bps
8Data Bit (DATA BIT)
7:7 bits
8:8 bits
8Parity Check (PARITY CHECK)
NONE: No parity check
EVEN: Even parity
ODD: Odd parity
8Stop Bit (STOP BIT)
1 bit: 1 bit
2 bit: 2 bits
8Wait Time (WAIT TIME)
OFF: Retransmission is disabled.
100 MSEC: 100 m seconds
200 MSEC: 200 m seconds
1 SEC: 1 second
8Control Unit Addresses
Assignable address: From 1 to 99, must be unique in the chain.
8System Unit Address (SYSTEM UNIT ADDRESS) (only for PS•DATA)
Assignable addresses: From 1 to 99, must be unique in the chain.
8Alarm Data (ALARM DATA)
OFF: Select this when no system controller is connect- ed.
0 SEC: Does not pause.
1 SEC: Pauses for 1 second.
5 SEC: Pauses for 5 seconds.
Click the [SET] button when all items have been set proper- ly.
Click the [CAMERA SYSTEM SETUP] button. The CAMERA SYSTEM SETUP window opens.