Writing the RC time code on a recorded tape
To write the RC time code from the end of the RC time code recorded portion
Rewind the tape to the portion on which the RC time code has been written and set the camcorder to playback pause mode. Then follow steps 3 and 4 above. The RC time code is written continuously.
Notes on writing the RC time code •The RC time code writing stops when:
-you press TIME CODE WRITE again before starting playback.
-you press INDEX or DATE SEARCH before starting playback.
-you change from playback mode to another mode.
•When you are writing the RC time code from the middle of a tape without the time code written, writing starts several frames before the current picture.
•If you write the RC time code on a recorded tape, the Data Code is erased.
•You can mark the RC time code on a tape recorded both in LP mode and SP mode, the RC time code written in LP mode, however, may not be read correctly.
•You cannot mark the RC time code on an
•You cannot mark the RC time code on a tape with the red mark on the cassette exposed.
•A black band appears when you mark the RC time code during playback, and the sound cannot be heard. This does not affect the picture and sound that are already recorded.
Note on
•nothing is recorded.
•the RC time code is unreadable because of the damage of the tape or because of the noise.
•you recorded using another VCR without RC time code function.
Зàïèñü âðåìåííîãî êîäà RC íà çàïèñàííîé ëåíòå
Дëя çàïèñè âðåìåííîãî êîäà RC îò êîíöà çàïèñàííîé ÷àñòè ñ âðåìåííûì êîäîì RC
Пåðåìîòàéòå ëåíòó íàçàä äî ÷àñòè, íà êîòîðîé áûë çàïèñàí âðåìåííîé êîä RC, è óñòàíîâèòå âèäåîêàìåðó íà ðåæèì ïàóçû âîñïðîèçâåäåíèя. Зàòåì ñëåäóéòå âûøåîïèñàííûì ïóíêòàì 3 è 4. Вðåìåííîé êîä RC áóäåò çàïèñàí áåç ïåðåðûâà.
Пðèìå÷àíèя ê çàïèñè âðåìåííîãî êîäà RC
•Зàïèñü âðåìåííîãî êîäà RC îòìåíяåòñя, êîãäà:
–Вû íàæèìàåòå TIME CODE WRITE ñíîâà äî íà÷àëà âîñïðîèçâåäåíèя.
–Вû íàæèìàåòå INDEX èëè DATE SEARCH äî íà÷àëà âîñïðîèçâåäåíèя.
–Вû èçìåíяåòå ðåæèì âîñïðîèçâåäåíèя íà äðóãîé ðåæèì.
•Еñëè Вû çàïèñûâàåòå âðåìåííîé êîä RC ñ ñåðåäèíû ëåíòû, íà êîòîðîé íå çàïèñàí âðåìåííîé êîä RC, çàïèñü âðåìåííîãî êîäà íà÷íåòñя íà íåñêîëüêî êàäðîâ ðàíüøå òåêóùåãî èçîáðàæåíèя.
•Еñëè Вû çàïèñûâàåòå âðåìåííîé êîä RC íà çàïèñàííóþ ëåíòó, òî êîä äàííûõ ñòèðàåòñя.
•Вû ìîæåòå çàïèñàòü âðåìåííîé êîä RC íà ëåíòó, çàïèñàííóþ è â ðåæèìå LP è â ðåæèìå SP, îäíàêî âðåìåííîé êîä RC, çàïèñàííûé â ðåæèìå LP, íå ìîæåò áûòü ñ÷èòàí ïðàâèëüíî.
•Вû íå ìîæåòå çàïèñàòü âðåìåííîé êîä RC íà ëåíòå, çàïèñàííîé â ñèñòåìå NTSC.
•Вû íå ìîæåòå çàïèñàòü âðåìåííîé êîä RC íà ëåíòå, åñëè íà êàññåòå âèäíà êðàñíàя ìåòêà.
•Чåðíàя ïîëîñà ïîяâëяåòñя, êîãäà âû çàïèñûâàåòå âðåìåííîé êîä RC âî âðåìя âîñïðîèçâåäåíèя, è çâóê ïðîñëóøèâàòüñя íå áóäåò. Эòî íå âëèяåò íà çâóê è èçîáðàæåíèå êîòîðûå óæå çàïèñàíû.
Пðèìå÷àíèå ê èíäèêàòîðó --:--:--:--
•íè÷åãî íå áûëî çàïèñàíî.
•âðåìåííîé êîä RC íå ñ÷èòûâàåòñя
•Вû ïðîèçâåëè çàïèñü ñ èñïîëüçîâàíèåì äðóãîãî КВМ áåç ôóíêöèè âðåìåííîãî êîäà RC.