Maintenance information and precautions
Camcorder operation
•Operate the camcorder on 7.2 V (battery pack) or 8.4 V (AC power adaptor).
•For DC or AC operation, use the accessories recommended in this manual.
•Should any solid object or liquid get inside the casing, unplug the camcorder and have it checked by a Sony dealer before operating it any further.
•Avoid rough handling or mechanical shock. Be particularly careful of the lens.
•Keep the POWER switch setting to OFF when not using the camcorder.
•Do not wrap up the camcorder and operate it since heat may build up internally.
•Keep the camcorder away from strong magnetic fields or mechanical vibration.
On handling tapes
Do not insert anything in the small holes on the rear of the cassette. These holes are used to sense the type of tape, thickness of tape and if the recording tab is in or out.
Camcorder care
•When the camcorder is not to be used for a long time, remove the tape. Periodically turn on the power, operate the camera and player sections and play back a tape for about 3 minutes.
•Clean the lens with a soft brush to remove dust. If there are fingerprints on it, remove them with a soft cloth.
•Clean the camcorder body with a dry soft cloth, or a soft cloth lightly moistened with a mild detergent solution. Do not use any type of solvent which may damage the finish.
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