Bushnell 21-Nov manual Press Mode, Captured Pictures with BUILT-IN Memory

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5.The mode setting operation is a cycle loop, so press the MODE button to switch to another mode. The loop order of the different modes is shown here:

6.To change settings, toggle through the different modes by pressing the MODE button. When a mode is selected, the indicator symbol on the LCD will appear. You can then select that mode by pressing the SNAP button.

7.When in “Normal” mode, press SNAP to take a picture.

Press SNAP->

8.Pressing the MODE button will cause the camera to enter “Mode Change”.

9.To select “Self-Timer” mode, press MODE and the self timer mark appears. Press SNAP and the capture will be done after 10 seconds. The camera exits self timer mode automatically after the capture is done and the self timer mark disappears on the LCD at the same time.

Press MODE->

press SNAP to capture.

10.“Low Resolution” Mode will cause your pictures to be of a lower resolution, but allows you to store many more pictures in the camera’s memory. The default setting is Hi resolution. To change the resolution, press the MODE button until the “mode” icon appears. Press the SNAP button and “Lo” will appear. The camera is changed from high resolution to low resolution. Do the same steps for the desired resolution setting.


Pixels (resolution)

Image quality

Captured Picture Quantity


High quality (HQ)

Up to 18 pictures


Low quality (LQ)

Up to 25 pictures


High quality (HQ)

Up to 24 pictures


Low quality (LQ)

Up to 33 pictures




11.When in “Normal” mode press the MODE button 3 times to enter the “AVI” mode.

The icon will appear. Press the SNAP button to start AVI capturing and counting. The resolution for AVI is 320X240 pixels. The AVI capturing can last for 40-70 seconds as the captured objects and environment will vary.



Image 4
Contents Model LIT. # 98-0386/02-04 Contents Mode button has three functions Camera Operation InstructionsButton Descriptions LCD DisplayPixels resolution Image quality Captured Picture Quantity Press ModeCaptured Pictures with BUILT-IN Memory Page Software Installation Downloading the Pictures to Your ComputerFocusing EYE Adjustments FigureBinocular Instructions Eyecups FigureCleaning Warranty / RepairTWO-YEAR Limited Warranty Instructions for Care of BinocularsInstructions D’UTILISATION DE L’APPAREIL Photo Description DES BoutonsÉcran LCD Guide D’UTILISATIONAppuyez sur MODE-Appuyez sur Snap pour prendre une photo Photos Saisies Avec LA Mémoire IntégréePage Installation DU Logiciel Transfert DES Photos Vers UN OrdinateurBinóculo Instructions Mise AU PointRéglages EN Fonction DES Yeux Figure Œilletons D’OCULAIRES FigureNettoyage Instructions Pour L’ENTRETIENGarantie Limitée DE Deux ANS El botón Mode Modalidad tiene tres funciones Instrucciones DE Funcionamiento DE LA CámaraDescripción DE LOS Botones Pantalla LCDPulse Mode Fotografías Captadas CON Memoria IntegradaPage Cómo Descargar LAS Fotografías EN SU Ordenador Conexión AL OrdenadorRequisitos del sistema Instalación DEL SoftwareBinocular Instrucciones EnfoqueAjustes Para LOS Ojos Figura Ojeras FiguraLimpieza Instrucciones Para EL CuidadoGarantía Limitada DE DOS Años Gebrauchsanweisung FÜR DIE Kamera Beschreibung DER KnöpfeDer MODE-Knopfhat drei Funktionen LCD-ANZEIGEAufgenommene Bilder IM Kameraeigenen Speicher Pixel Auflösung Bildqualität Anzahl gespeicherter BilderPage SOFTWARE-INSTALLATION Aufnahmen AUF DEN Computer ÜbertragenComputeranschluss SystemanforderungenSchärfenregulierung Ferngläser BedienungsanleitungOkularanpassung Abbildung Reinigung PflegeanleitungZweijährige Beschränkte Garantie Istruzioni PER L’USO Della Fotocamera Descrizione DEI PulsantiDisplay LCD Guida AL FunzionamentoFoto Registrate CON LA Memoria Incorporata Se appare l’icona cancella l’ultima, il display mostrerà Installazione DEL Software Scarico Delle Foto SUL ComputerCollegamento AL Computer Requisiti di sistemaBinocolo Istruzioni Messa a FuocoRegolazione PER GLI Occhi Figura Regolazione in base alla vista individualePulizia Istruzioni PER LA ManutenzioneGaranzia Limitata PER DUE Anni Instruções DE Operação DA Câmera Descrições DOS BotõesDisplay DE LCD Guia DE OperaçãoFotografias Capturadas NA Memória Interna Page Como Fazer O Download DE Fotografias Para O Computador Conexão AO ComputadorRequisitos do sistema Instalação do SoftwareBinóculo Instruções FocalizaçãoAjuste Para Olhos Figura Viseiras FiguraInstruções Para Cuidados Evite pancadas e quedas Armazene em um local fresco e secoLimpeza Rotineira dos materiais ópticosBushnell Performance Optics