Bushnell 119445, 119455, 119435 Downloading the PHOTOS/VIDEOS, Troubleshooting / FAQ

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To download your photos/videos to a PC or Mac*, first make sure the Trophy Cam power switch is in the OFF position. Connect the supplied cable to the camera’s USB port, then directly to a main USB port on your computer-do not use front panel/keyboard USB ports or unpowered “hubs”.

The Trophy Cam will be recognized as a standard “USB Mass Storage” device (this may take several seconds the first time you connect it). If you would rather leave your camera in the woods and just pull its SD card out, an SD card reader works the same way as described in this section once the card is inserted and the reader is connected to your computer.

With Windows XP or later, you can then simply use the options in the pop- up window to copy, view, or print your photos (right).

On all Windows OS, the Trophy Cam will also be listed as a “Removable Disk” if you open the “My Computer” window (on Macs, an icon will appear on your desktop). The Trophy Cam’s photo files are named “PICT0001.JPG” etc, and are located in the “DCIM\100EK113” folder on this “Removable Disk”.

Video file names will end with “.ASF”. You may copy the photos/videos to your hard drive as you would any file-just copy/paste or drag the file names or icons to your drive or desktop.

After the photos are copied to your hard drive, you can disconnect the Trophy Cam. (On Mac computers, drag the “disk” that appeared on your desktop when the camera was connected into your Trash to “eject” it before disconnecting.) The .jpg standard files from the Trophy Cam may be viewed and edited with any photo software you choose to use. The .asf video files may be viewed with Windows Media Player (version 7 or later) as well as other video playback programs that may have been supplied with your computer, or are available online.

* “.ASF” video files may require additional software for viewing on a Mac.


Battery life is shorter than expected

1.Battery life will vary with operating temperature and the number of images taken over time. Typically, the Trophy Cam will be able to capture several thousand images before the batteries die.

2.Check to make sure you have used new alkaline or lithium batteries. Bushnell recommends using 8 Energizer® Lithium AA batteries in all Trophy Cams to obtain maximum battery life.

3.Make sure that the power switch was turned to the “On” position and that the camera was not left in “Setup” mode while in the field.

4.Make sure that you are using a good quality name brand SD card in your camera. Bushnell recommends SanDisk® brand SD Cards up to 16GB. Our experience indicates that poor quality SD cards can sometimes reduce your Trophy Cam battery life.

Camera stops taking images or won’t take images

1.Please make sure that the SD card is not full. If the card is full, the camera will stop taking images.

2.Check the batteries to make sure that they are new alkaline or lithium AA batteries. See note above about short battery life.

3.Make sure that the camera power switch is in the “On” position and not in the “Off” or “Setup” modes.

4.Make sure that you are using a good quality SD card in your camera. Bushnell recommends SanDisk® SD Cards up to 16GB.

5.If the SD card has its write protect switch in the lock position, the camera will not take images.

6.If you have used an SD card in another device before inserting it in your Trophy Cam, you might want to try formatting the card using the “Format” parameter in Setup mode (make sure you have backed up any important files first, as formatting will erase all previous files). In some cases, other devices may change the formatting of the SD card so that it will not work properly with the Trophy Cam.



Image 13
Contents S T R U C T I O N M a N U a L Trophy CAMTable of Contents Parts and Controls Introduction361-5702 About the Trophy CamUsing an External Power Source optional, user provided Installing the Batteries and SD CardLoading Batteries OFF, ON, and Setup Modes Using the Trophy CAMOFF Mode See Changing Menu Parameter Settings for detailsSetup Mode On ModeSetup Mode Shortcut Keys/Functions Changing Parameter Settings in Setup Mode Using the Setup Menu to Change SettingsColor Viewer vs. Standard Display Models Setup Menu Parameters and Settings List w/Descriptions Sensor IntervalLevel FormatMounting and Positioning the Trophy CAM Default SetMounting Playing BACK/DELETING the PHOTOS/VIDEOS Switching on the CameraSensing Angle and Distance Test Reviewing Images on an External Video MonitorDeleting Photos or Videos Reviewing Images by Connecting the Camera to a ComputerReviewing Images Directly From the SD Card Battery life is shorter than expected Troubleshooting / FAQDownloading the PHOTOS/VIDEOS Camera stops taking images or won’t take imagesStill Photo and/or Video Quality Problems Camera won’t power upDate/Time Stamp not appearing on images Photos Do Not Capture Subject of InterestLCD Screen Issues Technical SpecificationsCamera won’t retain settings PIR Sensor LED Flashes/Doesn’t FlashFCC Compliance Statement TWO-YEAR Limited WarrantyT I C E D ’ U T I L I S AT I O N Remarques ImportantesPropos du Trophy Cam Présentation DU Trophy CAMMise en place des piles Installation DES Piles ET DE LA Carte SDInsertion de la carte SD Mode Arrêt OFF LES Modes MARCHE, Arrêt ET ConfigurationUtilisation DU Trophy CAM Mode Configuration Setup Mode Marche onTouches Raccourcis en mode Configuration Setup EnsuitePage Sélection des réglages des paramètres Affichage en couleur Affichage standardParamètre Réglages Description Sensor Default SetLevel SensibilitéMontage Montage ET Positionnement DU Trophy CAMAngle de détection et test de distance Allumer l’appareilVisionner les photos/vidéos sur un moniteur vidéo externe LIRE/EFFACER LES PHOTOS/VIDÉOSEffacer des photos ou des vidéos Visionnage direct sur la carte SD Téléchargement des PHOTOS/VIDÉOSVisionnage sur un ordinateur Jpg ou une vidéo avec le suffixe .asfLa durée de vie des piles est plus courte que prévue Diagnostic / Questions Fréquemment Posées’appareil arrête de prendre des photos ou n’en prend pas Problèmes de qualité des photos et/ou vidéos ’appareil ne s’allume pasProblèmes d’écran LCD ’impression date/heure n’apparaît pas sur les photos’appareil ne garde pas les réglages en mémoire ’écran LCD s’allume mais il n’y a pas de texteGarantie Limitée DE Deux ANS Caractéristiques TechniquesN U a L D E I N S T R U C C I O N E S Déclaration de conformité FCCPiezas y Controles IntroducciónAcerca de la Trophy CAM AplicacionesVista frontal Instalación DE LAS Baterías Y LA Tarjeta SDCargar batería Para quitarla cuando se oye un chasquido Insertar una targeta SDUtilización DE LA Trophy CAM Modos APAGADO, Encendido Y ConfiguraciónOFF Modo Apagado On Modo EncendidoCambio ajustes por el menú Configuración Setup Utilización del menú Configuración para cambiar ajustesSetup Modo rápido En Reproducción de fotos/vídeosPantalla a color Pantalla estándar Modelos pantalla a color vs. modelo estándarParámetro Ajustes Ne Descripción Menú Configuración Setup Parámetros y AjustesIntervalo Duración deLevel / Nivel Del sensorMontaje Y Colocación de la Trophy CAM REPRODUCCIÓN/SUPRESIÓN de FOTOS/VÍDEOS Ponga la Trophy Cam en modo ConfiguraciónEnsayo de ángulo y distancia Encendido on de la cámaraPara parar Revisión de imágenes en un monitor de vídeo externoBorrado de Fotos / Videos Revisión de imágenes desde la tarjeta SDTiene una instantánea sufijo .jpg o un vídeo sufijo .asf Descarga DE FOTOS/VIDEOSProblemas de calidad de las instantáneas o los vídeos Identificación de Problemas/FAQSLas baterías duran menos de lo previsto La cámara deja de tomar imágenes o no toma imágenesLa impresión de fecha/hora no aparece en las imágenes Problemas con la pantalla LCDLas fotos no captan el sujeto de interés El LED del sensor PIR dispara/no dispara el flashLa cámara no conserva los ajustes Especificaciones TécnicasAsegurar el modo correcto evite posiciones entre dos modos La pantalla se enciende pero después se apagaDeclaración de Conformidad FCC Garantía Limitada DE DOS AñosB R a U C H S a N L E I T U N G Wichtiger HinweisTeile UND Bedienelemente Einleitung101 Angaben zur Trophy CAM103 Installieren DER Batterien UND SD-KARTEEinlegen der Batterien Externe Stromquelle verwenden wahlweise, je nach NutzungOFF Mode AUS-Modus EIN ON, AUS OFF UND Einstellungen Setup ModusGebrauch DER Trophy CAM 105Setup Mode EINSTELLUNGEN-Modus, Schnelltasten/ Funktionen Setup Mode EINSTELLUNGEN-ModusON-MODE EIN-Modus 107109 Einstellungen ändern mit dem Einstellungen- MenüÄndern der Parametereinstellungen im EINSTELLUNGEN-Modus Color Viewer im Vergleich zu Modellen mit Standard-DisplaySpeichern 111113 Parameter Einstellungen Fett= ErklärungModus Capture NumberZeitabstand 115Sensor Level TV-Out 116119 Anbringen UND Positionieren DER Trophy CAMAnbringen Sensorwinkel- und Entfernungstest120 Abspielen UND Löschen DER Fotos Oder Videos121 Bilder auf einem externen Videomonitor ansehenDelete Pictures or Videos Fotos oder Videos löschen 123Bilder direkt von der SD-Karte ansehen Fehlerbehebung / häufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten Herunterladen der Fotos und VideosDie Batterielaufzeit ist kürzer als angenommen 125127 Kamera schaltet sich nicht einAuf den Fotos ist nicht das gewünschte Objekt zu sehen Probleme mit dem LCD-BildschirmPIR-Sensor LED-Blitz / Blitz funktioniert nicht Einstellungen werden von der Kamera nicht gespeichert131 Technische SpezifikationenFCC Compliance-Erklärung Beschränkte ZWEI-JAHRES Garantie133 N U a L E D I I S T R U Z I O N ImportanteParti E Controlli Introduzione137 Proposito della Trophy CAM139 Installazione delle batterie e della Scheda SDSostituzione delle batterie Inserimento di una scheda SDUSO Della Trophy CAM Modalità OFF, on E SetupModalità OFF Modalità onModalità Setup Uso del menu Setup per modificare le impostazioniTasti/funzioni veloci della modalità Setup 143144 Modifica delle impostazioni dei parametri in modalità Setup145 Visore a colori Display standardParametro Impostazioni Descrizione Menu Setup Parametri ed elenco impostazioni con descrizioni147 149 Dimensione videoLunghezza video Intervallo151 153 Mountaggio E Posizionamento Della Trophy CAMCommutare la Trophy Cam sulla modalità Setup RIPRODUZIONE/CANCELLAZIONE delle foto e di filmati155 Angolo di sensibilità e test della distanzaRevisione delle immagini su un monitor esterno 157Eliminare foto e video Rivedere le immagini direttamente dalla scheda SDScarico Delle Foto E DEI Video Localizzazione guasti e FAQLa durata della batteria è minore di quanto previsto 159La fotocamera non si accende Problemi con la qualità delle foto e/o dei filmati161 Suo slotLe foto non catturano soggetti interessanti Sulle immagini non compaiono la data e l’oraIl LED del sensore PIR lampeggia/non lampeggia Lo schermo LCD si accende ma non trasmette alcun testo165 Specifiche tecnicheN U a L D E I N S T R U Ç Õ E S Dichiarazione DI ConformitaControlos e Peças Introdução169 Sobre a Trophy CAM171 Instalação DAS Baterias E do Cartão SDVisão frontal Colocação de BateriasInserir cartão SD 173Modo Setup Como Utilizar O Modo OFF, on E O SetupComo Utilizar a Trophy CAM Modo OFFAtalhos e funções do modo Setup UsAR o menu Setup Para Alterar AS Defenições177 176 vídeos para obter mais detalhessVisualizador com cor vs Modo Standard 179Visualizador de cor Ecrã padrão 181 Lista de definicoes e parâmetros do menu SetupTamanho do 183Nível de Formato185 Montagem E Posicionamento DA Trophy CAM186 REPRODUÇÃO/APAGAR Fotos OU Video187 Revisão das imagens num motor externo de vídeo Monitor 189Apagar fotos/video Rever imagens directamente de um cartão SD191 Fazer O Dowload DE Fotos / VideoProblemas de qualidade da imagem parada e/ou vídeo Problemas QUE Possam SURGIR/FAQsVida útil da baterias mais curta do que o previsto Câmara pára de tirar imagens ou não tira imagensImpressão de data/hora não aparece nas imagens Os problemas do LCD do ecrãFotografia não captura o objecto de interesse LED do sensor PIR pisca/não piscaEspecificações técnicas Câmara não guarda as configurações196 197FCC Declaração de conformidade Garantia Limitada DE Dois Anos199 Bushnell Outdoor Products Cody, Overland Park, Kansas
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