Tunturi J3F owner manual Women 226 age MEN 220 age, 70-80 % of maximum heart-rate

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O W N E R ' S M A N U A L • J 3 F

hand while you pull out the adjustment knob with your right hand. Snap the knob back into the desired position. Check to make sure it is secured in position.


To avoid muscular pain and strain, begin and end each workout by stretching.

Stand on the landing rails to the left and right of the running belt. Do not stand on the running belt.

Always hold the handrail for support when getting on or off the treadmill and when changing the speed during exercise. Do not jump off

the running belt while it is moving!

If you experience nausea, dizziness or other abnormal symptoms while exercising, stop your workout at once and consult a physician.


Never leave the safety tether key in the treadmill.

Use the main power switch to turn the unit off.

Unplug the electrical cord from the wall outlet and from the treadmill.

If necessary clean the treadmill from sweat with a damp cloth. Do not use solvents.

Store the electrical cord where it is clear from all pathways and out of childrens’ reach.



In order to reach the goals you have set, you’ll need to keep finding the motivation to continue so you achieve your ultimate goal: life-long health and a new quality of living.

Set yourself realistic targets.

Progress step-by-step according to your schedule.

Keep a fitness diary and write down your progress.

Change your way of exercising from time to time.

Use your imagination.

Learn self-discipline.

One important aspect of your training is versatility. Varying your training exercises different muscle groups and helps maintain motivation.

No matter what your goal, you’ll get the best results by training at the right level of effort, and the best measure is your own heart-rate. First find your maximum heart-rate i.e. where the rate doesn’t increase with added effort. If you don’t know your maximum heart-rate, please use the following formula as a guide:

WOMEN: 226 - age MEN: 220 - age

These are average values and the maximum varies from person to person. The maximum heart-rate

diminishes on average by one point per year. If you belong to one of the risk groups mentioned earlier, ask a doctor to measure your maximum heart-rate for you. We have defi ned three different heart-rate zones to help you with targeted training.

BEGINNER : 50-60 % of maximum heart-rate Also suitable for weight-watchers, convalescents and those who haven’t exercised for a long time. Three sessions a week of at least a half-hour each is recommended. Regular exercise considerably improves beginners’ respiratory and circulatory performance and you will quickly feel your improvement.

TRAINER : 60-70 % of maximum heart-rate Perfect for improving and maintaining fi tness. Even reasonable effort develops the heart and lungs effectively, training for a minimum of 30 minutes at least three times a week. To improve your condition still further, increase either frequency or effort, but not both at the same time!


70-80 % of maximum heart-rate

Exercise at this level suits only the fittest and presupposes long-endurance workouts.


STOP Slows the running belt gradually to a complete stop.

SPEED CONTROL KEYS Speed control keys

(Tortoise/Hare) are located below the display. Hare key increases the belt speed in 0,1 km/h increments, the tortoise key decreases

it in 0,1 km/h increments. Pressing these keys longer makes the speed change faster. Track speed ranges from 1,0-12 km/h.

SELECT Before you press the green start key,

it selects the preset programs. P1-Easy walking, P2-weight loss, P3-strength training. Once you have pressed the green start key, you may select the display value of either distance or calories.

START Activates and slowly increases the speed of the running belt until it reaches your set training speed.


TIME 0:00 to 59:59, 1 second increment DISTANCE 0-19.9 km, 1 km increment CALORIES 0-999 calories, 1 calorie increment SPEED 1-12 km/h, 0,1 km/h increment


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Contents Mode Demploi Betriebsanleitung Manuale Duso Manual DEL UsuarioN E R S M a N U a L J 3 F P O R TA N T S a F E T Y S T R U C T I O N SWelcome to the world of Tunturi exercising S E M B LYE R C I S I N G J3F is designed for household use onlyWomen 226 age MEN 220 age 70-80 % of maximum heart-rateP1- easy walking P2- weight loss P3 strength training I N T E N a N C ETreadmill is instantly ready for use Align the belt according to the following instructionsL F U N C T I O N S Turn anti-clockwiseV I N G a N D S T O R a G E C H N I C a L D ATA Speed 1,0 -12 km/hC H T I G E C H E R H E I T S H I N W E I S E Dieses Gerät ist zugelassen für das Training zuN T a G E Falls Sie Kinder an das Trainingsgerät A I N I E R E NFühren Sie ein Fitness-Tagebuch Der Geschwindigkeitsbereich liegt zwischen 1,0-12 km/h Start Mit der START-Taste beginnen Sie das TrainingP1- Leichtes Gehen P2- Gewichtskontrolle P3 Krafttraining WA R T U N GDas Laufband ursprünglich ordnungsgemäss ausgerichtet wurde Reinigung DES LaufbandesAusrichten DER Laufmatte Nachspannen DER LaufmatteA N S P O R T U N D F B E WA H R U N G C H N I S C H E D AT E NFehlermeldungen SchutzelektronikD E D E M P L O I J 3 F N S E I L S E T AV E R T I S S E M E N T SJ3F peut être utilisé à la maison. La garantie Bienvenue dans le monde de l’entraînement TunturiCompteur Cordon D’ALIMENTATIONCLE DE Verrouillage DE Securite Propos DE Sante60-70 % du pouls maximum Femme 226 âge, Homme 220 âge70-80 % du pouls maximum P1 marche légère P2 contrôle du poids P3 entrainement actif Réglez la vitesse à 5 km/hA N S P O R T R a N G E M E N T Reglage DE LA Tension DU TapisDefauts DE Fonctionnement Coder D’ERREURN U a L E D ´ U S O J 3 F R a C T E R I S T I Q U E S C H N I Q U E SAV V E R T E N Z E Sei benvenuto nel mondo degli allenamenti TunturiS E M B L a G G I O Il terminale destro con rondella e vite cortaE VA Z I O N E T R a I N I N GDonne 226 meno, l’età Uomini 220 meno l’età 70-80 % del massimo di pulsazioni N U T E N Z I O N EL I Z I a D a L T R E a D M I L L Accendere l’attrezzo e regolare la velocità su 5 km/hCongegno di sicurezza per la regolazione della velocità AT I T E C N I CCausa di una politica volta a un continuo Spostamento ED ImmagazzinaggioN U a L D E L U S U a R I O J 3 F F O R M a C I Ó N Y E C a U C I O N E SBienvenido al mundo Tunturi del ejercicio N TA J EE R C I C I O S Sólo una persona por vez puede usar el equipoNo use la máquina sin los protectores E VA C I Ó NMujeres 226 edad, Hombres 220 edad 70-80 % del ritmo cardíaco máximoC L a S D E F U N C I Ó N PA N TA L L a SMinutos Códigos DE Error F E C T O S D E N C I O N a M E N T OAjuste DE LA Tension DE LA Cinta Conectador DE Control DE VelocidadN D L E I D I N G J 3 F AT O S T É C N I C O SVelocidad 1,5-12 km/h M E R K I N G E N A D V I E Z E NElektriciteitssnoer Horizontale HandrailNoodstop T N E S S T R a I N I N G Draag tijdens de training de juiste kledingVrouwen 226 minus de leeftijd Mannen 220 minus de leeftijd Tot 60 % van de maximale hartslagTot 70 % van de maximale hartslag E T S E NOnderhoud SmeringReiniging VAN DE Looptrainer HET Centreren VAN DE LoopmatA N S P O R T E N O P S L a G O R I N G E NC H N I S C H E G E G E V E N S U K S a N V I S N I N G J 3 F M Ä R K I N G a R O C H VA R N I N G a RVälkommen till Tunturis träningsvärld N T E R I N GÄ N I N G Ram Handstöd 2 st Tvärbalk Mätare ElsladdRedskapet får inte användas utomhus Koppla alltid av strömmen efter varje träningspass R J a T R Ä N I N G S PA S SFatta alltid tag i handstödet när du stiger på Motionär 60-70 % av maximipulsenR V I C E A N S P O R T O C H R VA R I N G OBS! Efter förflyttning måste bandet vid behov centrerasK N I S K a D ATA Löpyta 40 x 128 cmO M a U T U K S E T J a VA R O I T U K S E T Y T T Ö O H J E J 3 FTervetuloa Tunturi-kuntoilijoiden joukkoon R J O I T T E L U E N N U SLaitetta saa käyttää vain sisätiloissa Irrota verkkopistoke jokaisen käyttökerran jälkeen Vain yksi henkilö kerrallaan saa harjoitella laitteellaNaiset 226 ikä, Miehet 220 ikä 50 60 % maksimisykkeestä70 80 % maksimisykkeestä O L T OMikäli matto luistaa edelleen, kierrä vielä Säädä nopeudeksi 5 km/hL J E T U S J a S Ä I LY T Y S K N I S E T T I E D O T Nopeus 1,0-12 km/hLocking devise incl M12x60 Hex bolt M4x20 Tapping screw 5834025A