Tunturi J3F owner manual P1- easy walking P2- weight loss P3 strength training, I N T E N a N C E

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Once the power is turned on and the safety key is secured in place, you will see all values display zero. Simply press the speed up key to the desired training speed. The minimum training speed is 1.0 km/h. Once you have input the training speed, press the green start button. Time will count down from three seconds before the running belt will pick up speed. You may increase or decrease speed at any time during your workout by pressing the speed arrow key up or down.

You can also start the training by pressing the green START-key. The belt starts moving at the speed of 1.0 km/h. After this, you can set the speed with the HARE / TORTOISE -keys.


Once the power is turned on and the safety key is secured in place, you may press SELECT to choose any one of the three pre-set programs.

P1- easy walking

P2- weight loss

P3 - strength training

Once you have made your selection, press START key to activate the treadmill. Each program is set for a thirty minute workout. Each segment is one minute long. During any segment if you feel the speed difficult to maintain, you may adjust the speed to the desired level by pressing the down arrow key. This change will only affect the current segment. For the next segment, the belt speed will automatically go back to the pre-set speed according to the program profile.


CAUTION ! Do not attempt any servicing or adjustment other than those described in this manual. Any other servicing must be performed by an authorized service representative. Check the tightness of all fixing screws once a year. Do not overtighten.


Lubrication is the most important service activity for the treadmill. This is absolutely essential, if the friction of the running deck increases noticeably or the motor begins to heat up; increased friction is indicated by jerky movement of the belt. Insufficient lubrication will cause the belt, running deck and motor to wear out and break. The need for re-lubrication depends to a great extent on the running styles and weight of the user: heavy user weight and slow speed put particular strain on the device and therefore demand greater lubrication. The running deck require periodic lubrication. With average usage (30 minute workout session 3 times a week for two people) lubricate with silicon every four to six months. You may adjust


O W N E R ' S M A N U A L • J 3 F

the timing of the lubrication based on the intensity of the treadmill use level. To check the lubrication level, simply lift the running belt, and put your hand as far into the center of the belt as you

can reach. If your hand shows signs of lubricant (some wetness), then it does not need additional lubrication. If the board feels dray and there is very little evidence of silicone on your hand, then additional lubrication should be added as instructed:

1.Stop running belt so belt seam is located on the top and in the center of the deck.

2. Insert nozzle into spray head of lubricant can. 3. Lift running belt.

4. Position nozzle between the belt and the board approximately 200mm (8”) from the front of the treadmill.

5.Apply T-Lube from the front to the rear of the treadmill on each side of the treadmill. Try to reach the spray as far into the center of the running deck as possible.

6. The treadmill is instantly ready for use.

NOTE! Lubricate your treadmill only with T-Lube lubricant. Contact your local Tunturi distributor for further supplies of T-Lube.


Wipe the treadmill surfaces, especially the handlebars and meter from dust with a damp cloth or towel. Do not use solvents. Use a small vacuum nozzle to carefully vacuum around all visible components (belt, running deck, side rails etc.). To clean the underside of the treadmill, lift the running deck to the storage position.


Monitor belt tracking during exercise and make adjustments as needed. The belt should run in the centre of the treadmill. Alignment is not usually needed, provided

the treadmill is placed on an even, solid

and horizontal surface and the belt is correctly tensioned

the alignment of the belt is correct

It is, however, possible for the belt to be pushed to one side due to the user’s running style (e.g. more weight on one foot). The alignment of the belt is adjusted by turning the two bolts at the back of the treadmill.

Align the belt according to the following instructions:

1.Turn the power switch on and increase the treadmill’s speed to 5 km/h (3 mph).

2. If the belt drifts to the left, turn the left adjustment bolt 1⁄4 turn clockwise and the right adjustment bolt 1/8 turn anti-clockwise. If the belt drifts to the right, turn the right adjustment bolt 1⁄4 turn clockwise and the left adjustment bolt 1⁄4


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Contents Betriebsanleitung Mode DemploiManuale Duso Manual DEL UsuarioP O R TA N T S a F E T Y S T R U C T I O N S N E R S M a N U a L J 3 FWelcome to the world of Tunturi exercising S E M B LYJ3F is designed for household use only E R C I S I N G70-80 % of maximum heart-rate Women 226 age MEN 220 ageI N T E N a N C E P1- easy walking P2- weight loss P3 strength trainingTreadmill is instantly ready for use Align the belt according to the following instructionsV I N G a N D S T O R a G E Turn anti-clockwiseL F U N C T I O N S Speed 1,0 -12 km/h C H N I C a L D ATAC H T I G E C H E R H E I T S H I N W E I S E Dieses Gerät ist zugelassen für das Training zuN T a G E Führen Sie ein Fitness-Tagebuch A I N I E R E NFalls Sie Kinder an das Trainingsgerät Start Mit der START-Taste beginnen Sie das Training Der Geschwindigkeitsbereich liegt zwischen 1,0-12 km/hP1- Leichtes Gehen P2- Gewichtskontrolle P3 Krafttraining WA R T U N GReinigung DES Laufbandes Das Laufband ursprünglich ordnungsgemäss ausgerichtet wurdeAusrichten DER Laufmatte Nachspannen DER LaufmatteC H N I S C H E D AT E N A N S P O R T U N D F B E WA H R U N GFehlermeldungen SchutzelektronikN S E I L S E T AV E R T I S S E M E N T S D E D E M P L O I J 3 FJ3F peut être utilisé à la maison. La garantie Bienvenue dans le monde de l’entraînement TunturiCordon D’ALIMENTATION CompteurCLE DE Verrouillage DE Securite Propos DE Sante70-80 % du pouls maximum Femme 226 âge, Homme 220 âge60-70 % du pouls maximum Réglez la vitesse à 5 km/h P1 marche légère P2 contrôle du poids P3 entrainement actifReglage DE LA Tension DU Tapis A N S P O R T R a N G E M E N TDefauts DE Fonctionnement Coder D’ERREURR a C T E R I S T I Q U E S C H N I Q U E S N U a L E D ´ U S O J 3 FAV V E R T E N Z E Sei benvenuto nel mondo degli allenamenti TunturiIl terminale destro con rondella e vite corta S E M B L a G G I ODonne 226 meno, l’età Uomini 220 meno l’età T R a I N I N GE VA Z I O N E N U T E N Z I O N E 70-80 % del massimo di pulsazioniAccendere l’attrezzo e regolare la velocità su 5 km/h L I Z I a D a L T R E a D M I L LAT I T E C N I C Congegno di sicurezza per la regolazione della velocitàCausa di una politica volta a un continuo Spostamento ED ImmagazzinaggioF O R M a C I Ó N Y E C a U C I O N E S N U a L D E L U S U a R I O J 3 FBienvenido al mundo Tunturi del ejercicio N TA J ESólo una persona por vez puede usar el equipo E R C I C I O SNo use la máquina sin los protectores E VA C I Ó N70-80 % del ritmo cardíaco máximo Mujeres 226 edad, Hombres 220 edadC L a S D E F U N C I Ó N PA N TA L L a SMinutos F E C T O S D E N C I O N a M E N T O Códigos DE ErrorAjuste DE LA Tension DE LA Cinta Conectador DE Control DE VelocidadAT O S T É C N I C O S N D L E I D I N G J 3 FVelocidad 1,5-12 km/h M E R K I N G E N A D V I E Z E NNoodstop Horizontale HandrailElektriciteitssnoer Draag tijdens de training de juiste kleding T N E S S T R a I N I N GTot 60 % van de maximale hartslag Vrouwen 226 minus de leeftijd Mannen 220 minus de leeftijdTot 70 % van de maximale hartslag E T S E NSmering OnderhoudReiniging VAN DE Looptrainer HET Centreren VAN DE LoopmatC H N I S C H E G E G E V E N S O R I N G E NA N S P O R T E N O P S L a G M Ä R K I N G a R O C H VA R N I N G a R U K S a N V I S N I N G J 3 FVälkommen till Tunturis träningsvärld N T E R I N GRedskapet får inte användas utomhus Ram Handstöd 2 st Tvärbalk Mätare ElsladdÄ N I N G R J a T R Ä N I N G S PA S S Koppla alltid av strömmen efter varje träningspassFatta alltid tag i handstödet när du stiger på Motionär 60-70 % av maximipulsenR V I C E OBS! Efter förflyttning måste bandet vid behov centreras A N S P O R T O C H R VA R I N GK N I S K a D ATA Löpyta 40 x 128 cmTervetuloa Tunturi-kuntoilijoiden joukkoon Y T T Ö O H J E J 3 FO M a U T U K S E T J a VA R O I T U K S E T Laitetta saa käyttää vain sisätiloissa E N N U SR J O I T T E L U Vain yksi henkilö kerrallaan saa harjoitella laitteella Irrota verkkopistoke jokaisen käyttökerran jälkeenNaiset 226 ikä, Miehet 220 ikä 50 60 % maksimisykkeestäO L T O 70 80 % maksimisykkeestäL J E T U S J a S Ä I LY T Y S Säädä nopeudeksi 5 km/hMikäli matto luistaa edelleen, kierrä vielä Nopeus 1,0-12 km/h K N I S E T T I E D O TLocking devise incl M12x60 Hex bolt M4x20 Tapping screw 5834025A