5.2 Baldor SPI Interface
The Baldor SPI Interface is a simple application for configuring all aspects of the DSM.
5.2.1 Starting Baldor SPI Interface
On the Windows Start menu, select Programs, BALDOR SPI Interface, BALDOR SPI Interface. The software will immediately try to establish communication with the DSM. If this step fails, the word “Disconnected” will appear in red. Check that the DSM is powered and that the cable is connected, then choose the Port menu item. Select the appropriate USB port from the list of USB/Serial port options (this is the COM port number found in Windows Device Manager - see section 5.1.4).
5.2.2 Configuration parameters
These parameters may all be changed settings view
The motion settings view shows the main configuration parameters for the DSM:
Click in the boxes or use the arrow buttons to adjust values.
To revert to default settings, click Factory, followed by Set.
To send the changes to the DSM, click Set.
Parameter | Name | Range | Units | Default | |
MSEL | Microstep resolution | 1 | - 256 | microsteps | 256 |
| per step |
MRC | Motor run current | 1 | - 100 | % | 25 |
HCDT | Motor hold current delay time | 0 | - 65000 | ms | 500 |
MHC | Motor hold current | 0 | - 100 | % | 5 |
| |
DIR | Motor direction override | CW or CCW |
| CW | |
MN1940 |