900Er Owner’s Manual
Ending a Classic Program
When the program time has elapsed or the STOP/START‐QUICK START key is pressed, the Cool Down program will launch, followed by the Workout Summary display. Refer to the section titled PROGRAMMING FEATURES ‐ Cool Down and Workout Summary for more information.
Press and hold the STOP/START‐QUICK START for two (2) seconds to reset the console and return to the Idle mode.
See the section entitled Operating Notes (page 26) for more information regarding the Pause, Reset and Program Reset functions.
Overview. Based upon the YMCA Protocol Standards, the Fitness Test program is provided as a tool to evaluate your current fitness level. While exercising, the muscles covert oxygen into the fuel needed for
the muscles to do the required work. The higher the effort, the more oxygen the muscles will require. This oxygen (or fuel) is delivered to the muscles via the cardiovascular system. The harder the effort, the
faster the heart will pump in an effort to maintain the fuel supply to the muscles. As one’s fitness level
improves, the muscles become more efficient and therefore do not require as much fuel to perform the same amount of work. The Fitness Test incorporates this basic knowledge within an algorithm to provide a measurement of the user’s fitness. The user’s heart response is then monitored at each interval via the touch heart rate sensors or wireless heart rate receiver if used with a transmitter belt (not included).
During the Fitness Test, the user is introduced to a program of predetermined workloads which increase at each stage. The program will continue until two stages have successfully been completed with an average heart rate in excess of 110 Bpm. At the conclusion of the Fitness Test program, the console will provide the user with a score based upon the results. These scores can be recorded to track and monitor improvements and progress in the user’s desired fitness goals.
Selecting. From the Idle mode, press the FITNESS TEST program button. The LED indicator above the button will light and “Fitness Test” will be displayed in the Messaging/Data Display window.
Press ENTER to begin the Setup mode, or